The code is long-since cracked on .270 Win...?

by Otony, Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 00:04 (10 days ago) @ AaronB

Do you find any advantage accuracy-wise using the 130grn boat tail Game King as opposed to the 130grn Pro Hunter? My understanding is that the only difference is a flat base on the latter.

I’m curious if there is any reason to prefer one over the other?

I rather like the idea of using 150grn Game King if going after game larger than deer. Where we are moving to there are simply scads of Roosevelt elk, along with plenty of black bears. I have a .308 and a .30-06, along with an 8x57R, not to mention a few big bores, but my .270 is such a pleasant rifle it becomes attractive to consider.

The deer down there along the coast are such tiny things, I’m leaning towards one of my .30-30s, but if I get a wild hair I have an unusual choice, a fast twist .22-250! With appropriately heavy .22 bullets I think it might be devastating.


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