I inherited my stepdad's Rolex 8 years ago.

by A K Church, Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 05:41 (367 days ago) @ Jared

Neat watch, but doesn't suit my lifestyle especially. 1991 Datejust Perpetual. The least valuable, most common Rolex, but still a fine watch. And it's unfashionably small.

My niece finished grad school last year. She's a psychologist now. I'd like to send her the Rolex. To me it's a neat watch, but to her it would be her GRANDFATHER'S watch. Plus she's working in a skirt and high heels type professional setting, and a high end watch would fit in perfectly. But I cannot trust any of the major carriers to get it there undamaged, or indeed not stolen.

And insurance is often useless-ask Miles Fortis.

As it is, I'm waiting for one of our sadly infrequent face-to-face meetings to hand it off to her.

Your posting reminds me of why I haven't sent the watch off to Atlanta.

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