I get asked that a lot

by FOG, Sunday, July 07, 2013, 12:50 (4102 days ago) @ John K.

I'm not sure how to answer it without sounding like a smartass, but since I am one anyways, what the heck. :-D

In all seriousness, I somehow get away with using my 'gear' without it usually showing very much.

Ever. :-)

For example, before I parted with it, I walk-and-stalk-varmint-hunted my Steyr Scout for years − not to mention my .44 Mountain Gun − but if you ever saw it, you simply wouldn't believe me.

Which maybe no one does, I don't know. (I'd take a pic, but just to be clear, I don't have those guns anymore.)

I'll give you another example: I have clothes that are more than 20 years old and still going strong − And I don't have that many clothes! :eyepopping:

The Model 342 does have one thing going for it, though: 'Underwear' doesn't make much 'holster wear'. :-D

100% Cotton [image]


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