Pocket Carry: My 30+ years experiance; you have to keep

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Sunday, July 07, 2013, 11:25 (4102 days ago) @ FOG

your gun clean. Revolvers take better to pocket carry than most autos.J's work best but a big man with carharts or similar (dockers for those in the corporate world)can carry a Commander sized 1911. I carried a J for most of these last 30 years, but the occasional a Charter Bulldog, Taurus Ultra Light in 45 Colt, LCP, Keltec 32, NAA.22 mag (for lounging around the house) G-27 S&W Shield and currently & for the foreseeable future an XDs.
Always use a pocket holster; It keeps the gun oriented correctly. helps break up the outline, protects the gun and you from the gun. Save wearing out your pants pocket.
Like Bill Jordan taught us, carry on the weak side hand front pocket. You can stand around with your hand in your pocket on your gun looking very innocent, but ready. You have the option to draw with either hand, should the need of the moment dictate you can draw both (Unlikely for me)If you primary carry gun is attacked, drawing the back up on the weak side is a great defense.
Lint WILL fly out of your gun when you shoot, just like with ankle holster carry.
Pocket carry sucks for drawing while seated. I use my primary carry gun for that situation. I used to also carry in an ankle holster and that was also a good position for a seated draw.

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