Given those options and limitations, I'd say get the LCR

by FOG, Sunday, May 26, 2013, 15:09 (4144 days ago) @ ~JM~

I would also forego any additions or modifications, except ammunition.

For that, I would probably get a box or two of wadcutters and call it 'good'.


I really don't think a better solution exists.

You can even get the XS 'Small' Dot (regular 1/8" width) on at least one variation of the LCR. (Or you could at one time; I'm not exactly sure about all the details of the current LCR lineup.)

Suffice to say, the LCR is widely available, even in Kalifornia, where it would probably be best to have the gun 'registered' in the actual owner's name.

In other words, I would suggest giving very serious thought to the matter of the 'paperwork'. It might not be convenient for your Grandfather, but I frankly think that is a relatively minor consideration in view of the possible consequences of any alternative approach.

I certainly wouldn't call it a 'straw purchase', but I wouldn't want to take the chance, either; you never know what 'they' might think, and I'd rather not find out firsthand.

HTH :-)


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