Following in her sisters footsteps....

by Byron, Sunday, September 23, 2012, 09:22 (4391 days ago)

My beloved Caitlyn has been gone for 2 years now and her little sister
Grace is beginning to show the powerful energy that marked Cait's life.

During a dinner table discussion about life and the need to be careful the talked turned to combatives and the common strip mall sport karate that is fancied to "self-defense"...

In my very limited experience, a YMCA trained boxer that spars a bit on the weekends can consistantly knock the the stuffing out of most karate black belts within 15 seconds...without breaking a sweat and before the karate fighter can get his mojo on.... surprise...Grace decided that she will be a boxer....

Somehow my kids are doing OK in spite of me....

Caitlyn is proud of her little sister...



Have her learn Krav Maga

by Miles Fortis ⌂ @, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Sunday, September 23, 2012, 14:59 (4391 days ago) @ Byron

find an instructor that can and will teach at her level of physical development.

By the time she's 18.....

I love it that...

by AaronB, Sunday, September 23, 2012, 16:33 (4391 days ago) @ Miles Fortis

...Krav Maga is not a martial art. Krav Maga is how to smash somebody to an absolute dead stop, in as close to instantly as possible.



by John Meeker, Monday, September 24, 2012, 08:24 (4390 days ago) @ AaronB

Someone in a similar discussion described how he was going back to a 'normal' martial art, because Krav was just as you described -- not a sport: but instantly incapacitating -- with no regard to potential damage/lethality, or not.

Been going to the gym for a few months now with some success, and now wondering how a creaky jointed ol' guy would fare in a Krav klass.

Other than that, winter has been a coming all summer and shop/building improvements kept me to the work biz. Now, a breather, and time to work out that ol' Mossy 835 w/turkey length bbl, on wome fowl.

Model 19 & the Indiana kydex working well, getting re-used to Glocking trigger pull and grip. Still shopping around for the new Flattie .45 Bisley hammer/trigger deal -- not urgent, but nagging need. AR Coyote shoots far better than I can ever hold - minute of a golf ball at 130 yards, f'r instance.

Doing the Maumee Valley Gunshow this weekend in Toledo, OH. Clearing out my collection of Handloader/Rifle, sporting book surplus, history, polly-ticks, what have you. Let someone else tote the paper, is my motto, now.

Aywayz, always enjoy reading youse guys, and the few other boards I check, anymore. FB is fun, too. Good way to remember frreinds and fellow gunners.

Adios, for da nonce,

I love boxing . . . .

by RangerBob, Monday, September 24, 2012, 07:47 (4390 days ago) @ Byron

. . . . I've been a boxing fan for as long as I've been able to understand the sport. I hate it that boxing has been almost destroyed by greed and marketing.

I agree that boxing is great combat training. I also agree that a person who spends some time actually hitting and being hit will learn a lot more than most people who spend time "sparing" in most martial arts studios. I would like to see a herd of black belts try their skills against a prime-time Joe Frazier. Combat is not a dance and you don't get points for style. There's no substitute for actual hitting.

But, at it's core, boxing is still a game. It's a violent, dangerous game, but it's still a game with rules. MMA appears to be more "street" but it's still a game with rules.

From what I've seen, Krav Maga is about the only system that's really designed for pure survival. It would be worth looking into.

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