Related, but separate, to Otony's post below...

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 08:09 (4422 days ago)

My LCP has ridden in a pocket holster daily, EVERY day since May '08, unless I needed to get on a plane....for work; I do not often do so voluntarily. And I almost got into the airport with it once but Miss Beth saved my hiney with a reminder.

It "disappears" in a pocket. I forget it's there (see airport reference above). It makes a very effective "always gun". I will keep it in my pocket even if I have some other arm on my belt (and in my pack and... ;-) )

However, (you knew there'd be a 'however' dincha?), it developed an annoying habit of popping the mag loose. The mag release seemed a bit touchy from Day 1 but it has gradually gotten worse to the point that the mag will release when pocketing the holster, when sitting down, when a stiff wind blows (yeah, it's in a back pocket). So, it is currently on the shelf waiting to head back to Ruger.

I suspect the mag release 'edge' is worn or out of spec. Probably an easy fix. Also, it makes no difference which magazine is used or which ammo is contained therein.

So, there's my field report spanning 4-1/4 years and about 200 or so rounds. Currently, a Kel-Tec P-32 rides in the same holster. It's less experienced but it was handy and filled the role.

I think the Europeans got it right with the heel clip

by RangerBob, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 08:12 (4422 days ago) @ Hoot

A 1911 mag release makes sense on a service pistol.

But on a pocket pistol I don't think it makes much sense at all.

The Euro heel clip mag release make much more sense for pocket carry.


I had that problem with my P32 and filed the mag release

by stonewalrus, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 08:20 (4422 days ago) @ Hoot

Down a bit. I attributed it to my being left handed and how it was exposed in my pocket. My LCP actually has a stiff release and hasn't been a problem.

Related, but separate, to Otony's post below...

by jgt, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 09:26 (4422 days ago) @ Hoot

I had a good friend that owned a gunshop and sold a lot of keltecs. When I was considering buying one, I ask his feedback from the customers that had bought them and was told they were fine little guns but his customers that had problems with them all had one thing in common. They carried them in their back pocket. Seems they were bending them or tweeking them from sitting and causing malfunctions. I passed on them so can't confirm this from personal experience. I never ask if the guns were in a pocket holster or not but I suspect not.

back pocket carry...not the best way...certainly not

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 10:03 (4422 days ago) @ jgt

really concealed...and yes heal clips make sense for pocket guns.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

This is really a question and not a criticism...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 10:11 (4422 days ago) @ Hoot

But why do people carry in their back pocket? So that they can go for their "wallet" and get the drop on somebody?

For me, everything in my back pockets is a PITA. Even my wallet. I try to mitigate it with uneven success. When in uniform my wallet went in the capacious right breast pocket. Sometimes I stick it in one of the front pants pockets (especially when driving any distance). I can't imagine trying to carry a pistol in a back pocket. I read that Venturino carries in his back pocket. I've a lot of respect for those of you here. I just don't understand it. Yes, lots of customers "try" these little guns in their back pockets, even the ladies in TIGHT jeans. Heck some carry their smart phones there! That I really don't get, how many of those are broken when they sit down? Seriously, I just don't get it.



Valid question.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 11:15 (4422 days ago) @ Hobie

For me, I moved it out of my front pocket because I carry too many keys and whatnot and I was always getting tangled up. Redistributing my pocket crap didn't work well. It is not optimum, of course but I understand and accept the compromise. It does not allow for quick presentation, close to impossible while seated, but any pocket carry gives you that same situation. What it does is allows me to have something always and it's inconspicuous behind a handkerchief. Can I do better? Yes, I'm certain. But, it's what I gots for now.

I just moved my crap either to the dresser top or left front

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 12:23 (4422 days ago) @ Hoot

pocket. I've got more stuff in my pockets than Dennis the Menace. Leatherman K2 Juice tool, two sets of keys (house and vehicle), Spyderco Delica, wallet, change, notes/business cards, flashlights, chewing gum, maybe insect repellent, maybe a spare magazine or "speed" loader, maybe a pen... Makes pockets AND a sporran seem a viable option.



Key keeper for keys carry LEFT front pocket. A man can

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 12:23 (4422 days ago) @ Hoot

look very innocuous with his left hand on his gun in his front pocket...The always gun stays in the weak side pocket and when you want to add a service size gun nothing changes.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

I think the Europeans got it right with the heel clip

by Jhenry, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 13:17 (4422 days ago) @ RangerBob

I think you are exactly correct. The heel release is simple, positive and reliable. Not super fast, but that is no concern with these bitty guns anyhow.

I carry my LCP w/CT laser in my right front pocket...

by Boge Quinn, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 13:34 (4422 days ago) @ Hobie holster, and nothing else in that pocket to get tangled up. Left front pocket for keys, knife (clipped to pocket), Zippo, etc. Left rear pocket for wallet, and right rear pocket for an extra magazine and a bandana (combination snot-rag and magazine-outline-breaker-upper.

The above does not vary. Other pistolas carried depends on wardrobe, situation, and mood, but the pockets are always bespoke thusly.

me fact you sound just like me...

by cable, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 14:04 (4422 days ago) @ Hobie


Hoot I carry a LCP in a holster

by Fivegunner @, LOWELL Mi., Thursday, August 23, 2012, 15:56 (4422 days ago) @ Hoot

in my front right side pocket, just like you I bought the LCP in 08. the finnsh is getting thin on the slide and a few marks on the (grips) been in that pocket for a lot of miles! And no problems with the mag button. the LCP has about 600 rounds though it. and never a jam!! the holster I use is a Milt Sparks POC. its been swiming with me and still holds the gun solid. looks like new . wished I was able to make up to Grayling too see and shoot with you and Mark , Martey and Brian, and everybody . Oh, I still carry the LCP even when puting on a 1911. Get the Mag latch fixed. best regards Frank :beatdeadhorse: :usa:

I just moved my crap either to the dresser top or left front

by Bob Hatfield @, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 16:46 (4422 days ago) @ Hobie

I am made fun of at work for all the junk in my pocket. Once I had a 1/4x20x 2inch screw in my pocket. Someone said what is that. I said its a screw. I carry a screw with me just in case I need a screw. (Screw was there by accident) It got lots of laughs and remarks.

I carry the LCP in the right front pocket with my keys to break up the outline it has event with an Uncle Mikes pocket holster. Clip in left pocket (I read magazines)

Also carry a tin of aspirins for anyone around me including me that might have a heart attack. A kinfe for sure. I always carry a lighter even though I dont smoke. Seems every good outdoorsman has a "Strike-a-light" with him. 10-4 on that Sporran


Cut shoot and make fire

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 16:50 (4422 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

"I always carry a lighter even though I dont smoke." Me too. best emergency use of lighter was heating up car key to thaw frozen door locks in AK winters.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

I Carry Back Pocket

by Gary G, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 19:29 (4422 days ago) @ Hoot

in my jeans,,Work dress pants front...Have no issues or compliants, picture of holster linked.

As for the mag button being pressed. I filed the mag button down and stopped having an issue. RUGER TRACKED ME DOWN and wanted gun back for the saftey recall but assured me they would not touch my mag release.(It was plastic)
However when I received back the gun they replaced mag button with a metal one...Was so mad I really wanted to punch someone out over it (at Ruger)

Any way ,I filed down and rounded the edges of the new mag release and polished edges. Touched up with cold blue and everything works fine. No more releasing magazines in pockets. And also not any harder to release the magazine when you want to, for me at least.

Beat that dead horse............

by Byron, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 19:35 (4422 days ago) @ Fivegunner
edited by Byron, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 19:38

My opinions have often gone against the grain of the board and one of the most infamous is my dislike for carrying a pistol in your pants pocket....

Carried in the back pocket makes no sense....can't get to it seated....

While front pocket carry seems like a good idea and with tiny pistols is comfortable and if your britches are not to tight the gun will not show....still...does not work if you have to get with it....

The best possible outcome in a gun fight is to not get shot...the most effective way for this to play out is to begin to move rapidly (as in run as fast as you can) away from the threat....unless the gun is already in your hand when you are presented with this threat, once you begin to move you can not get into your pocket to present your you move your pockets get tight....if one is seated, the pants are tight and it is difficult to get into the pocket....on and on....

The ideal carry for a small defensive pistol (IMHO) is strong side appendix carry, either in a stiff plastic holster (for a glock style striker fired pistol) or a belt c[image]lip for a small DA pistol...the 32/380 Keltec will fit here perfectly and be ready for instant action seated, moving...whatever...the pistol is easily defended from a snatch...only downside to this carry is a big ol' beer won't work for fat boys...still many carry full size Glocks this way....

The only way to really see what works is to get a couple of high quality airsoft pistols a friend and just try different stuff out....if you won't carry in your pockets anymore....

The pocket carry that does work great is a hammerless revolver in the strong side jacket pocket...

I've filed down release buttons on all 3 of our P3at's

by MR, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 21:33 (4422 days ago) @ stonewalrus

they are easy to file, and apparently not hollow. Now they stick out quite abit less and have to go just under flush to releas the magazine.

Beat that dead horse............

by Otony, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 22:12 (4422 days ago) @ Byron

I agree with you! Doesn't always happen, but after playing around with snubbies in pockets for awhile, I have come to the same conclusions, with the same exception as you too.

For me, pocket carry ain't so hot. Too many times when it is either unavailable or uncomfortable. A holster or clip is necessary EXCEPT for the occasional J-frame in a coat pocket in winter. That works okay as long as the pocket is shaped so the resolver doesn't spin or turn over.

I was tempted to drop the P32 in a pocket sans holster, but even with a pocket rig I am not too happy. Belt clip works out very nicely. Pocket holster for a jacket (not pants) is on the bench as we write. Heck Rob, even I can manage a pocket holster!


Byron, let me first say, you are correct...

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Friday, August 24, 2012, 11:21 (4421 days ago) @ Byron

on all counts.

Every choice is a compromise. I can justify my choice by the fact that, for every nanosecond spent running and ducking, I spend eons sitting with the biggest threat being boredom. All this in a low risk arena.

Company policy prohibits the possession of weapons on company property...and I always follow the rules. But, in theory, if a feller were to carry, it would have to be very, very concealed. Choices are further limited by another company policy regarding employee dress.

It's all about knowing the compromises one makes with every choice.

Even these girls have made a compromise....their weapons are not in hand.


IDF chicks rock..........

by Byron, Friday, August 24, 2012, 12:47 (4421 days ago) @ Hoot


+1. sometimes you have to be extra discrete

by stonewalrus, Friday, August 24, 2012, 19:32 (4421 days ago) @ Hoot


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