Leverguns Community is back up
Thanks to David Fagan, we're back up and running over there, working on figuring out a way to keep it going. The hosting company unilaterally and without consulting us locked it down due to alleged instability. Andy's looking into solutions.
alleged instability
Of the forum soft.ware or the members?
alleged instability
Excellent question.
Seriously, though, it was apparently due to a denial of service attack. I really, really detest folk who go out of their way to cause problems for others.
I had problems recently with uploading stuff to the .com
I would get 'connection lost' for minutes at a time with mere seconds long moments when I could get something actually put up.
Whatever was wrong appears to have rectified itself in the last day or 2.
Esse sine metu in facie inimici tui. Sit fortis et rectus quod Deus ut amo te. Veritatem dico semper etiam si eam ducit ad mortem tuam. Tuendam inops et facere no mali.
Leverguns Community is back up
Great news, but I still can’t register or get a response from the contact site. I’ve been following the forum for quite awhile, was a member a fair piece ago…..wife got sick and I had to retire to take care of her…..just found this sight!
Leverguns Community is back up
drop me an email to webservant AT sixshootercommunity DOT com and I'll be glad to help you get the registration done.
I did a quick search and Echo154 isn't on the member list.
Didn't find any with your email address either. So drop me an email and I'll see what we can do to get you up and running over there. If you remember your old user name there's a chance we can recover it.
I did a quick search and Echo154 isn't on the member list.
Email sent….let me know if it doesn’t come through.