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Jason just announced a Ruger Vaquero in 357 manglem with a 7 1/2" barrel. I do believe it's the "New Vaquero" sized frame and in spite of myself I'm intrigued. Maybe just due to "not enough range time fever", but the idea of a longer barreled sixgun in the very handy (for most of my needs) caliber tickles my cogitation apparatus. I've NO idea what they'll retail for, but I can't help but want one - albeit I'd rather have it marked as a 38 Special instead, "just because". I've never owned a 357 of ANY kind, but have shot oodles of rounds through my b-i-law's Old Model 357 - with the much shorter barrel.
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With a fixed sighted 7-1/2-inch single action in .357 what scares me is POI vs POA and having to rotate barrels or bend sights. My first Uberti peacemaker in 45 Colt shot to the left about 3 or 4 inches. So I bent the front sight with pliers,(should have rotated the barrel) and it looked like a banana, but the gun shot very well. Fast forward a hundred rounds or so and the gun was now shooting to the right and I had to bend the sight back and broke it off. So now I had to solder a sight back in place almost straight up where Uberti originally had it.
If I ever buy another fixed sight peacemaker, I'll shoot the dickens out of it to let it settle down before messing with the sights.
357 velocities from factory ammo are all over the place. Hopefully the new Ruger will shoot low for elevation and dead on for windage.
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I'm looking forward to the reviews. Caz gifted me a "old model" Vaquero back at the turn of the century. It shot left so I took the target and the pistol to Shapel's in Boise and they turned the barrel slightly. It's been dead on ever since. I can't help but wonder if they'll bring this one out in 44 Special.