The only cimarron p.....

by RayLee, Sunday, January 05, 2025, 08:51 (17 days ago) @ Jhenry

I can remember owning was a .41 colt from kittery trading post in the early 2000s when ordering a gun online was new to me. It languished in kittery's glass case due to the chambering. It would appear to be sold only to be relisted again and again with markdowns until I couldn't stand it anymore at $275.

But the shipping was $35 and the receiving ffl was a full retail msrp kind of establishment and had never yet transferred one for less than a percentage mark-up. I could not make them understand that I had already paid for the gun. Finally the kittery folk had to contact the local to here batmen on my behalf and I think the total cost came to $400. Within a year the gunshop had caught-up with the trend and was transferring quite a few a week at $15 per.

There was no starline brass then but .38 s & w brass....not special....was a perfect fit the way I wound-up loading it. That is to say a .38 s & w wadded blank from the rear and a .410" squeezed in from the front in the style of a percussion revolver. Not nearly as difficult or convoluted as it sounds. Cylinder resting on leather with a dummy .38 in one chamber. .410" ball on top of that chamber and thwack with a mallet. Repeat four times. Perfect concentric lead rings sheared-off. Seat balls firm to dummy with .36 muzzleloader short starter and smear grease. .38 brass loaded with kosher smokeless s & w (not special) loads and wadded with toilet paper topped with cardboard disk.

Odd as it sounds, the .38 s & w rim is quite a bit larger around than the .41 and thusly won't work in the period d.a. pocket revolvers but fit fine in the colt sized frame/cylinder. Cannot remember if my cimarron p was made by one of the armi sans or pietta or uberti....and yes, the squeezed-down round balls shot a bit low.

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