Stock Design for Managing Recoil

by JohnKDM, Friday, December 13, 2024, 14:45 (8 days ago) @ AaronB

It would indeed. Stock fit isn't just for shotguns. Some here might remember the Steyr M95 I converted to 45-70. It would easily handle +P pressure. The original thin combed stock has about a 12" LOP and the rifle weighs 7lbs. Uncorking 540grs Saecos at 1650fps HURTS.

Another point. The English rifle builders carefully designed the weight around the cartridge. Most of the 450/500bpe black powder doubles weight about 8.5lbs. A bit later, there were in-between nitro proofed BPEs and those weighed around 10lbs. The full NE doubles weighed somewhere around 12lbs.

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