Anyone here shoot any 17 caliber CF cartridges?

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Saturday, November 30, 2024, 11:28 (21 days ago)

I inherited a .17 Remington from Dad but I've never shot it. Coincidentally, I just picked up a large pile of older Rifle magazines. Reading an article this morning by Bob Hagel, he "complains" about lack of expansion beyond say 150 yards. Since the article was written in 1971, I am going to assume bullet technology and manufacture have changed for the better in this, and every, regard. Is this a good assumption with the .17's?


I have a .17 Ackley Bee Contender barrel, but....

by cas, Saturday, November 30, 2024, 16:15 (21 days ago) @ Hoot was probably my least used barrel, coming right at the end of my Contender obsession, the same time I lost my only place to shoot (hunt) it. As such I never shot anything but paper with it.

This is also a Contender barrel.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Saturday, November 30, 2024, 17:04 (21 days ago) @ cas

Other than blowing up some water bottles, I don't see using it much. Hagel's "150 yard limit" doesn't really pose too much of a handicap for me really. Just figure bullets probably got better in the intervening years...maybe?

I don't doubt it.

by cas, Saturday, November 30, 2024, 17:54 (21 days ago) @ Hoot

Bullets have come a long way in 50+ years. I only ever shot the one bullet Hornady offered at the time. I'd like to get back to shooting it, but since it has no job anymore, it seems a little pointless. Part of the reason I don't is the range I shoot at now is ALWAYS windy and I think trying to shoot little groups with it there would be very frustrating. Of course my eyes have gone and nerve damage has given my a bad shake, so shooting little groups with most anything doesn't happen anymore.

The only thing I've even shot with a .17 were two woodchucks and a porcupine one weekend this spring with my .17M2
I heard people say they were unimpressive killers as well, and while they weren't far at all, all three never even moved.

Anyone here shoot any 17 caliber CF cartridges?

by RayLee, Sunday, December 01, 2024, 15:02 (20 days ago) @ Hoot

You've probably already read this.....

One long retired gunwriter (he was/is a millionaire anyway) took one to the dark continent way back when there was only one factory load and two component bullets, hornady & remington. Seems like I remember the tiny hare to jackal sized antelopes with the scant, barely discernible horns were the goal(s) but that the .17 remington, even with the remington factory load was adequate for as big as tommies/impalas.

Way off topic, but are there valid reasons why any and all previous gun magazine articles are not available online for a nominal fee ? I know I would pay $15 to $20 for an ebook compilation of all of bob milek's articles. I cannot be alone in this. Seems like a viable market. Why are the publishers not scanning & uploading for purchase ?

Thank you.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Sunday, December 01, 2024, 16:22 (20 days ago) @ RayLee

I had not read that. I have never had the opportunity to go after coyotes and only tried prairie dogs once--long enough ago that I can no longer remember what rifles or cartridges we used. I did shoot one rock chuck with a .25-06 while out scouting deer areas but that's the extent of my varmints beyond porcupines at our place up north.

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