I caught up on my reading once.

by cas, Friday, April 19, 2024, 18:07 (19 days ago) @ Hoot

Turned me off to it for a while in fact. I worked part time for a spell in my friends book store. The slowest book store in the world. (I swear I sold about $60 worth of books in 8 months. So slow he couldn't afford to stop doing his other job and work there himself. And in the end he couldn't afford to ever really pay me anything. A busy day was when someone CAME INTO the store.)

When I started, I thought "oh boy this is great! I can't finally catch up on my reading. I've got all the time in the world now!! (Burgess Meredith voice) Well after about three weeks of that I was going out of my mind. Pre internet days, I started building model airplanes or any other thing I could think of because I couldn't read any more. It was like being forced to eat so much ice cream it made you sick. lol

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