had to be '98 because I got the TSMG in '97

by A K Church, Saturday, January 27, 2024, 15:51 (99 days ago) @ Miles
edited by A K Church, Saturday, January 27, 2024, 21:46

ALL the Independence Days at the J-Bar-T were special, but Independence Day 1998 was more special. Miles brought the TSMG, the Uzi and his AOW Mossberg, so much NFA joy was to be had.

I had scarfed my 1st Smith Model 10, and Jim's late father was teaching me double action technique.

I showed up at around sunup, and was there past midnight, which I couldn't do now. Jim and I announced sunup to the neighbors with a small cannon.

There were a particularly large group of good folks I've lost touch w/. The Harmons, Larry Little. My one time high school small engine repair teacher, the late Mr. West (I could never call him Jerry). The late Alan Taylor. Lord, all those people I so esteem.

It was raging hot, humid as the Amazon, and dead still.

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