Not sure of best current source,

by Paul ⌂, Monday, September 25, 2023, 08:13 (368 days ago) @ Slow Hand

but a couple years ago I was gifted an 1860 model. It came in a Traditions box, but was blued and case hardened and built by Pietta. It was a little rough in the action when it arrived, but repeated cycling smoothed it out nicely. Didn't have access to stones or anything to try and do a proper job so simply cycled it a few hundred times (it's addictive!) and then finally got a chance to get out to the range and shoot it. Following the range trip it got a complete disassembly and cleaning then a proper reassembly and wipe down. Never had the chance to put it on paper but it shot well and no problems with caps jamming or hanging on the hammer like some folks describe. I've no idea if Traditions boxes other brands or not, but this single example of a Pietta has been a real blast to play with when up north.

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