Probably dumb '94 Winchester question...

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Tuesday, September 05, 2023, 09:36 (388 days ago)

Pretty much all my levers are Marlins so I don't know much about Winchesters. I inherited a 1954 '94 from Dad and fixed a couple of simple issues and cleaned it up some. It is not a collector piece at all having a new-ish buttstock and kind of a Parkerized finish. I figure on getting it running and then probably give it to one of the grandkids.

Anyway, I loaded up some cast bullets and they chambered with a bit of a hitch right at the top of the lever stroke. I then grabbed some jacketed examples thinking the throat might not care for the cast (haven't done a chamber cast yet) and the jacketed numbers do the same thing. It occurs when the extractor snaps over the rim. Everything extracts just fine. Is this just the way it's supposed to work? Not too concerned, just trying to sort out any trouble at the beginning.


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