Sunday Sermon

by JimT, Texas, Sunday, April 23, 2023, 09:11 (516 days ago)

The Creator who made everything and everyone does not live in buildings or in religions. He has no need for anything since He is the one who gives life and breath and the ability to exist to every person. He is not far from anyone whether they believe in Him or not. This can be discovered by simply beginning to look and feel around for Him. He will be found because it is in Him that we live, in Him we move and in Him we have being. We are His children and He does not hide Himself from us. He has never left us alone though at times our personal choices have blinded us to His presence. Yet He has never abandoned us, no matter what it felt like at the time.

Much of the time we are not aware of His presence. As Jean Louisa Kelly says in her song "Valley of Fire" ..

Twas silent in the Valley of Fire
I could not hear a sound
Except my breath go in and out
My footsteps on the ground

And I was not alone
No I was not alone
Oh I wish that I had known
Oh I wish that I had grown

I know what it's like to feel abandoned, yet I found I was not. I too wish I had learned earlier that I was not alone. I am thankful that eventually I did begin to learn! And still am learning. He is there for you also!

The Creator is a God who does not do abandonment!

Ele era velho.
Ele era corajoso.
Ele era feio.

Sunday Sermon

by Frank S, Sunday, April 23, 2023, 19:55 (515 days ago) @ JimT

We are going thru some hard times right now, and this touched me.
If you have a moment I'd request a prayer for my Father.

Sure will Frank. (nm)

by JimT, Texas, Sunday, April 23, 2023, 20:11 (515 days ago) @ Frank S


Ele era velho.
Ele era corajoso.
Ele era feio.

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