by JimT, Texas, Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 15:57 (695 days ago)

We were returning to Missouri from Arizona on March 18, 1997. It was 3:03 AM and we were on Interstate 40 just outside of Amarillo, Texas. We had been listening to the Art Bell Show on AM talk radio. Mr. Bell had been asking his listeners to concentrate and try to contact UFO’s by mental telepathy and then report to him the results of this nationwide experiment.

Twyla was driving the car and later claimed she HAD been concentrating. I was in the front passenger seat and my 16 year old daughter was asleep in the rear seat. As we approached the city limits of Amarillo we suddenly saw two bright lights appear out of the darkness behind us. The lights drew nearer to us at a high speed, then coalesced or converged into what appeared to be a large white light. The light filled the interior of the car we were in. As the light drew closer what appeared to be a blue pulsating light began flashing on the top of the white lights, simultaneously with a red pulsating light. The moment these two pulsating lights appeared our vehicle seemed to lose power, slowed down and drifted to the side of the road and stopped. Dead. As we sat in the car a Being suddenly emerged from the light behind us and began to shine a brilliant white light over us. The light went all over my daughter in the rear seat, then upon me, and finally upon my wife. I noticed no ill effects from it other than an elevated heart beat.

I could not see the Being clearly due to the brilliant light. It appeared to be in a uniform, and I did notice that its uniform seemed to have doughnut crumbs on the front of it. After what seemed to be an eternity, the Being returned into the light behind us. A short time later the pulsating lights ceased. At that point control of our vehicle returned to us, we were able to start it and to proceed on down the highway.

None of us in the vehicle have any memory as to exactly what happened while the Being was in close proximity to us, though everyone professed to being very nervous. Afterward we did find a vaguely worded "Warning" that had been somehow left in our vehicle. Whether this "Warning" applies to the entire earth, or just to Texas I do not know. Other than that, the whole experience seemed somewhat like a dream.

For a while after we resumed our travel, the car would not go as fast as it had been traveling before this strange encounter. However, after about an hour, it seemed to pick up speed and shortly thereafter it went faster than it had gone previously. We saw no other phenomena nor did we experience any other encounters on the remainder of our journey.

While I have no positive proof that the Being we encountered was an Alien, I have since heard from several Texas residents that encounters with Aliens are not that uncommon in Texas. Especially along the border between Brownsville and El Paso.


by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Thursday, October 27, 2022, 05:38 (694 days ago) @ JimT

:-D :-D :-D

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