What was the caliber of the gun you were shot with?

by JimT, Texas, Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 08:52 (724 days ago)

The first I was shot with was a .32 S&W. I was about 8 years old. I was in the basement with my Dad and he was testing a .32 S&W. He fired it into a 4x4 and the bullet came back and hit me in the leg. Scared me but didn't hurt me.

I once was shot in the big toe with a .45 Colt 255 gr. RN. I did it to myself! I had loaded some and stepped out onto the porch in my bare feet to test one. I shot into the end of some firewood and the bullet bounced back and whacked me in the big toe on my left foot. Raised a big blood blister.

I have been shot at in serious but was never hit. I ain't asking for those stories as they can be quite traumatic and private.

.177 bb, and .452 hard ball

by Fivegunner @, LOWELL Mi., Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 09:13 (724 days ago) @ JimT

I was delivereding the Grand Rapids Press when I was shot in the back with a BB , hurt like a yellow jacket sting. It turned out to be two kids playing with their bb guns thought it would be fun to shoot the paper boy. they learned a lesson .:-D. then in the late 70`s I was a Range officer running a IPSC course and had a FMJ .45 bounce back off a steel target missed the shooter who was just to my left and a few feet forward of me hit me in the shoulder nice bruise is all I got. :-D

I had a friend who shot a BlackJack Oak

by JimT, Texas, Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 10:01 (724 days ago) @ Fivegunner

with an 1860 Army .44 cap and ball. He woke up on the ground, looking at the clouds, with a huge lump on his forehead raised up by the ball that came back and hit him.

What was the caliber of the gun you were shot with?

by Catoosa, Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 10:39 (724 days ago) @ JimT

In the movie "A Christmas Story", the kid is admonished "You'll shoot yer eye out, kid!". Well, it came VERY close to happening to me when I was about 12 or so. I was shooting my uncle's Daisy BB gun into a dirt bank. There was an odd-looking object embedded in the dirt, and I casually popped off a shot at it from about 10 feet away. The BB came back and whacked me smartly on the left ear, about two inches from my left eye. I was not wearing glasses.

Turned out the object I had shot at was the end of a brickbat, and apparently the surface I shot at was exactly perpendicular to the path of the BB, so the BB came right back at me with enough force to have easily penetrated my unprotected eye.

SEVERAL lessons learned from that experience.

.44 roundball from a Remington New Model Army

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 13:23 (724 days ago) @ JimT

I was timing a buddy at a cowboy shoot over in IL when I was In college (about the time I found the original board) and we had a stage where we suit ten bowling pins off of a railroad tie down on the ground. I guess the toughness of the pin, plus the fact that it moved backwards when it was hit was enough to make that pure lead roundball not penetrate and instead it came back at me. I actually saw it for a millisecond as it came my direction and luckily it his right at my waste line. I was dressed in full CAS gear and it hit my leather gun belt, which was over top of my vest, shirt, pants and underwear! It didn’t even leave a welt on me! I saw it land and picked it up after he was done shooting. At the time, you could see a round mark from the flattened pit bullet on my belt, butnit has long since faded. I actually just got word that that Freind has passed away recently. He will be missed. His name was also Doug and his birthday was the day after mine!


.44 roundball from a Remington New Model Army

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 13:27 (724 days ago) @ Slow Hand

Another one was a .223, or the jacket from one anyways. I had just got my paperwork approved for my first machine gun, a River AC556 woth the folding stock and 13” barrel. A buddy had a family farm we could go shoot at, in a patch of woods. Not a very good test for a 223, but it was more about making noise at that point! We had some steel plates set up way too close and at one burst, I felt something hit my shin. I pulled up my jeans and saw blood and a hunk of copper jacket sticking out of my skin! It was a decent sized hunk and had gone in and hit my shin bone and curled around so o couldn’t pull it straight out! Had into grab it with a pair of needle nosed pliers and ‘un-curl’ it from my leg! Of course we didn’t have any medical supplies but we found a hunk of kind of clean rag and some tape and we were back to shooting! Ahhh; youthful exuberance!!


First was a .22LR

by Andrew @, Bloomington, IN, Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 21:39 (724 days ago) @ JimT

that bounced back from something associated with railroad tracks near Labade, MO. The second was a 357 that blooped back from a chunk of aluminum running board scrap that I was shooting at on a berm at the public range in Fairbanks.

What was the caliber of the gun you were shot with?

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Thursday, September 29, 2022, 12:46 (722 days ago) @ JimT

I have lost count. Regarding the two-way range, so far the Lord has smiled on me.

40mm from M203

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Saturday, October 01, 2022, 09:09 (720 days ago) @ JimT

Running a range, soldier fired HEDP at target at 80 meters and shrapnel came back and one piece stuck in my boot lace and another bounced off the helmet. Neither even cut any fibers they contacted.



40mm from M203 Wins Biggest most potentialy devasting award

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Monday, October 03, 2022, 07:53 (718 days ago) @ Hobie

Glad that went easy on you.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

45 ACP shooting steel hit in the shin, stung like crazy

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Monday, October 03, 2022, 07:55 (718 days ago) @ JimT

but didn't break the skin. Shot at with bird shot during dove season by city boys. My buddy shot back with buckshot and they fled.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Almost put my eye out with a 51 Navy

by Bob Hatfield @, Tuesday, October 04, 2022, 07:34 (717 days ago) @ JimT

Young and dumb. Shooting at a hard piece of coal mine belt scraper rubber at about 10 feet to see the penetration potential. Probably 20 grains of 3f black and a 80 grain .375 ball. After the first shot I felt something part my hair close to the scalp. I shrugged it off as a flying critter messing with me. After a few more shots I went up to see the carnage. A bunch of dents and one ball sticking out of the rubber and only penetrated about a 1/4 inch. It was then it dawned on me that the first shot is the one that parted my hair. No safety glasses either....................Bob

In all my lives I have been shot and killed twice...

by pokynojoe, Tuesday, October 04, 2022, 07:51 (717 days ago) @ JimT

The first time I was a Hessian soldier at the battle of Trenton. I was shot and killed be a musket ball from one of Washington's colonials. The second time was at the battle of Parkers Crossroads. I was laid low by a mini ball from a confederate cavalryman. I have not been shot since. I have been in my current form for nigh on three score and ten and have never been shot, not even once. Having said that, one never quite knows what the future has in store.

If you wrote any books in a previous life I would love some.

by JimT, Texas, Wednesday, October 05, 2022, 20:41 (716 days ago) @ pokynojoe


What was the caliber of the gun you were shot with?

by woody, Monday, October 10, 2022, 20:36 (711 days ago) @ JimT

.357 magnum to my chest that came off a steel plate. My son was shooting my flattop blackhawk. He was scared when he saw a blood spot on my tee shirt. But it was just superficial. I still have the piece of bullet.

Also a 9mm to my stomach. Ricocheted off a bowling pin. It was just a piece of jacket but enough to cut me.

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