Bob Mills, aka fatboy has passed

by Otony, Thursday, December 16, 2021, 21:42 (1009 days ago)
edited by Otony, Thursday, December 16, 2021, 21:47

This past Saturday, our friend fatboy passed away while in the midst of making his beloved first cup of coffee. And for Bob, making that coffee was a true ritual, almost akin to a high priest serving in the Temple. Certainly no less important in his eyes. Knowing Bob, who was the epitome of a curmudgeon, I imagine he would be more upset at not getting to drink his coffee than over his own passing.

Some of you may recall him from previous iterations of this board, dating all the way back to the Taylor days. He was a frequent contributor back then, who over the years slowly stopped posting. But he shared many an email with myself and dozens of others up to the time of his passing.

He lived a full, rich, and honorable life, serving with distinction in SE Asia, working in the Washington State Penal System, and finally retiring from the DEA. He was preceded in death by the love of his life, Audrey. He was a friend I will miss dearly, and I will always regret not spending more time with him.

Quite a few of us became aware of his passing on the Facebook version of this page, and Doug Kinnaman reminded me that some of the members here are not Facebook users, so we thought it best to notify all of you.

May his Memory be ever Eternal!


Rest In Peace

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Friday, December 17, 2021, 04:01 (1008 days ago) @ Otony

Bob was a great guy! He shared so much information and experience with me, especially when I was a young, dumb punk! We shared many similar interest and he was always a good one to bounce ideas off of. I went back through some of our emails this past week and honestly I’d forgotten about many of the things he’d shared with me. I am very sad that we never got to meet in person, but I know my life is better for having known him online. Heck, even if you discard all of the life, hunting, relationship, and gun knowledge he passed on to me, he introduced me to Flogging Molly, a;Irish punk band that Jenny and I have seen four times now live in concert, just those fond memories would have never happened without knowing Bob! He was the same age as my dad, but he felt like a cool uncle, always listening to my hair brained ideas and encouraging me to try them or giving me small pushes in the right direction to make them happen more realistically!

He definitely filled out his dash for sure. He will be missed!

“When you die, they’ll bury you and at your head will be a chunk of rock. On that rock will be your name and under that will be two dates; separated by a dash. Make the most of your dash!”

Thanks for everything, Bob!
Doug K


Bob Mills, aka fatboy has passed

by Tom Richardson @, Clarksville, Arkansas, Friday, December 17, 2021, 07:20 (1008 days ago) @ Otony

Prayers sent for the family.

A VERY good man.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Friday, December 17, 2021, 08:22 (1008 days ago) @ Otony

I wish I had met him...I know I would have enjoyed it.

Getting tired of this

by AaronB, Friday, December 17, 2021, 12:45 (1008 days ago) @ Otony

This is the second notification that I received this week about the passing of a better man than I am.

I'm tired of it, but there's no reason to believe that this trend will stop or even slow down.

With one fewer above me in the ranks of good men I move up in rank to three billion, seven hundred and nine million, six hundred and seventy-eight thousand, five hundred and twelfth, or just below the guy who didn't flush the toilet before you got there.


RIP Amigo

by Dave B @, Alamogordo New Mexico, Friday, December 17, 2021, 21:02 (1008 days ago) @ Otony

Sincere condolences for his family.

RIP Amigo

by Creeker @, Hardwoods, Saturday, December 18, 2021, 09:25 (1007 days ago) @ Dave B

Remembering Fatboy. Condolences from the Halstead family.

I really enjoyed knowing Bob. He was a good man.

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Saturday, December 18, 2021, 17:40 (1007 days ago) @ Otony

He told some great stories...

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Did he ever share stories about being with the Montagnards?

by Otony, Saturday, December 18, 2021, 21:07 (1007 days ago) @ Rob Leahy
edited by Otony, Sunday, December 19, 2021, 11:15

He and his partner were in a severely remote area, just the two of them and the Montagnards. They both developed worms, a not too unusual occurrence given the flora, fauna, and food. For whatever reason (meaning I’ve forgotten) the couldn’t get any worm medication whenever they were resupplied. So he wrote Audrey, asking her to send worm medication for their “dog”, which she did.

It slowly made its way through the postal system, and was eventually handed over to Bob as part of his mail from home.

He told me taking that Hartz was a rough experience…….


His stories were even better....

by Glen, Saturday, December 25, 2021, 00:06 (1001 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

...around a campfire, with steaks sizzling over the coals, and a good bottle of wine. We shared many hunts, many stories, many campfires, and many bottles of wine. I was fortunate to call a man of his caliber my friend.

One minor correction Tony...

by Glen, Saturday, December 25, 2021, 00:11 (1001 days ago) @ Otony

Bob never worked for the state of WA. When he worked for McNeil Island it was a Federal Penitentiary. When it shifted over to state control was when he left (to Leavenworth for a bit, then a couple of other short assignments, then jumping over to the DEA).

Bob Mills, aka fatboy has passed

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Saturday, December 25, 2021, 19:41 (1000 days ago) @ Otony

That is sad news for sure. Thanks Tony.

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