CZ-52 semi Auto prices
Just an inquiry into what the Vzor model 52 in 7.62 pistols. A dealer has one and doesn't or cannot find what they are supposed to sell for these days. I was trying to find a listing somewhere. Just curious and figured I would ask here. They are a C&R pistol. I do have one and enjoy it some. Thank you in advance.
They seem to hover around $200 or so over on GB.
I haven't looked lately but there's usually a few to peruse. Of course, that's "asking"...I haven't looked to see the "selling".
Edited to add: OK, so I'm out of the loop. Current askings are $275 to $325 with a couple of penny auctions thrown in.
Hope this helps.
They seem to hover around $200 or so over on GB.
Thank you much Hoot. These seem to have appreciated some I remember them going around 150 or so. I did find out the gray colored ones are desireable as that is the original finish. The black or very dark ones are rearsenaled ones. Appreciate the response. Don't really need another one. But I might still get one. Just Saying.