its a sixshooter and a lever gun
by cable, Saturday, May 01, 2021, 20:54 (1302 days ago)
couldn't pass this up, just to cute and it shoots 22 LR
its a sixshooter and a lever gun
by Frank S, Sunday, May 02, 2021, 12:51 (1301 days ago) @ cable
Copy of a volcanic?
Looks like fun!
You'll have to give us a range report
You come up with the most intriguing items...
by Paul , Sunday, May 02, 2021, 16:53 (1301 days ago) @ cable
one of the guys on Leverguns Community built something similar years ago, but with centerfire, cut down 40 S&W brass IIRC. In 22 LR that'd be a fun little plinker.
its a sixshooter and a lever gun
by Cherokee , Medina, Ohio, Monday, May 03, 2021, 11:12 (1300 days ago) @ cable
Looks like fun.
That's very cool.
by Hoot , Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Tuesday, May 04, 2021, 08:39 (1299 days ago) @ cable
The Volcanic's have always fascinated me.
its a sixshooter and a lever gun NICE
by Mike P , Monday, May 10, 2021, 07:11 (1293 days ago) @ cable
Very nice.
AKA zzr7ky
Very neat!
by Slow Hand , Indiana, Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 13:31 (1291 days ago) @ cable
I’m curious, how exactly do you shoot that little guy? Is the lever stroke short and light enough you can just run the one finger through it and flip it out and back? As a former 1860 owner I know how the follower tab can be a pain at times, I would imagine holding the barrel/magazine with the off hand and working the lever with your thumb and forefinger finger would cause issues as well. I’ve always wondered if they were considered to be more of a single shot with a fairy quick reload vs a repeater like a good revolver would be. Looking forward to hearing a range report!
yes, sorta grab the magazine and work the lever. it might
by cable, Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 13:45 (1291 days ago) @ Slow Hand
get fast with practice. considering when it was invented it was generally being compared to a single shot, or a pepper box, so probably was considered a high tech improvement.
loading the magazine is a bit aggravating at first, but it gets easier with practice, at least it does with the henry rifle repros.