update on my heart
Ok ... cardio angiogram is done... the Doc's can't do anything... the blockages are in the small branches of the arteries that feed the heart so they couldn't do any stints or do the balloon thing... so for now I just live with not over exerting myself and keep an eye out for chest pains and hard breathing... and adjust my diet and meds to keep my blood flowing... so no vigorous "pushups" in bed or such... oh well...
Thanks for the update Don
Been wondering how things went. Sorry to hear they couldn't do anything to help correct the issues.
update on my heart
Prayers will continue Do realize many have lived a long time with your condition. I am living with several medical conditions that have no cure and one or the other will get me by and by. This can be the best time of your life. A time to build faith in God and lay down all all the past hurts and pains caused by others. Living in the shadow of death is not a bad thing.
update on my heart
A cardio rehab unit is your friend. Good luck.
A+ on the cardiac rehab suggestion.
It's about the quality of your life.
Prayers continuing.... nm
update on my heart
Be careful on the vigorous stuff. Pray all goes well for you.