Looky what followed me home! (gratuitous dog pic)

by Paul ⌂, Wednesday, August 29, 2018, 15:13 (2215 days ago)


Biscuit, Blackie, Browning - from left to right...

Pietro Beretta went walkabout, abandoning his post out at the gun club. I told them, "If you want a dog to keep the caretaker company and serve as an alarm system, get a spayed bitch." So, "Sic 'em!" they told me. Today I stopped by our vets' place to ask if they had any leads on a young, medium sized, fairly short haired spayed bitch. Turns out they had one in inventory! There's a woman who brings them stray animals she finds, pays for their medical expenses and puts feed in the bowl until they get adopted out. I'd no idea they have a "puppy room" (although none of the canines were mere pups), learn something new every day. Managed to get in without getting maimed and sat on a chair they had in there. One in particular stuck out from the rest, she'd come over for an ear scratch and then again and again. Well, they put in the call and the lady OK'd the adoption (not near as much paperwork - 0 in fact - as up in the US), I bought a collar and loaded her into the car along with a bag of treats and such that came with her. When we got home the girls received her even though she was quite skittish at first. Looks like she's here 'til Saturday when I plan to haul her out there and turn her over to Javier. She looks like a longer haired, cockeared version of Blackie.

Looky what followed me home! (gratuitous dog pic)

by rob @, Friday, August 31, 2018, 22:48 (2213 days ago) @ Paul

Can't go wrong with a good dog. I'd take mine over about 98.9% of the general populous!

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