Beretta 950 B always wanted one

by uncowboy, Wednesday, August 08, 2018, 16:40 (2236 days ago)

Found one to buy but in parts. It had a problem no one knows what was wrong. REALLY WANT ONE OF THESE TOTALLY USELESS FIREARMS. Never saw one for sale. Looking what a working Very used one is worth in the real world. No collector value here, J.Michael

Beretta 950 B always wanted one

by Paul ⌂, Thursday, August 09, 2018, 07:26 (2235 days ago) @ uncowboy

That brings back memories. :-D Had a guy bring one by late in the last century. It looked like a child's toy; some genius had spray painted it, gold colored IIRC. It had two issues. First, the paint had gummed up the works. A bit of judicious cleaning got the mechanism functional for the most part. Second, the magazine spring was broken and some genius had placed a lima bean of all things in there to try and keep it lined up. Needless to say, it had feeding issues.

Years later my brother picked up the Taurus version. It was in 22 LR and we've run it like a rented mule. We were at the public range one day and it started doubling when fired. Quite entertaining, except for the fact that there were folks we didn't know there and the last thing one needs is the local gendarmes or the batmen paying one a visit for an illegal "machine gun". So I stepped over to the car, got out a can of brake cleaner from the cleaning stuff I carried to the range with us and hosed it down. This caused a black river of crud to flow from the interior. A bit of lubrication applied afterwards lead to a smoothly functioning pistol, no hint of doubling or other issues.

That being said, I'd love to have the Beretta version in 25 ACP, just because. A "box case" (parts in a box) wouldn't be worth over a C-note in my opinion, but what do I know?

Beretta 950 B always wanted one

by Catoosa, Thursday, August 09, 2018, 09:42 (2235 days ago) @ uncowboy

Um, well.... I'm afraid I gotta respectfully disagree wit' ya about the 950B being totally useless. It is, IMHO, the best .25 auto ever made. In the days before this state had a carry permit law, I carried one of the little things almost constantly, and no one ever knew about it except my wife. When she saw me take it out of my pocket one night, she asked to examine it. After looking it over, she turned to me and said sweetly, "Where's mine?"

'Nother trip to the gun shop the next day netted a twin to mine. We have both upgraded our carry guns since legal carry is now possible, but the little 950Bs still get carried from time to time. When I qualified for my permit I shot mine just for grins. The instructor plainly considered my chances of shooting a qualifying score with a .25 auto somewhere between slim and none. I shot a 48 out of 50 possible - the two points I dropped were head shots at 25 yards that he threw in just to keep me humble.

All of that BS is to say the Beretta 950B is a dandy little gun for those times when you can't carry a real one! Keep it clean and practice with it from time to time, and load it with Hornady 35 grain JHP for carry. Believe it or not, those little pills WILL expand out of the tiny barrel.

Beretta 950 B I bought one, a .25years ago . It was very

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, August 10, 2018, 17:37 (2234 days ago) @ uncowboy

reliable. Never had and issue. I traded it off pretty quickly for the next shiny thing...

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Beretta 950 B I bought one, a .25years ago . It was very

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Saturday, August 11, 2018, 14:09 (2233 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I've got a 21A that shoots way better than it ought to. I can ht a 14" plate with it about 95% of the time from 50 yards. It's very reliable with CCI Minig Mags or Velocitors but because it has no extractor, the chamber must be kept clean and well lubricated.

This one also likes Aguila 60 grain solids and oddly, stabilizes that long bullet to about 25 yards. I never considered the 21A a carry gun but have pocketed it a few times since trying the Aguilas. Here's three of them through a beef rib and two gallons of water. Looks like they might smart some.


You make a Chesty Puller rig for these, Robert? ;)

Beretta 950 B always wanted one

by bmize, Sunday, August 12, 2018, 11:04 (2232 days ago) @ uncowboy

I just sold one to my buddy that "had to have it" last year.
Dad carried it in his lunchbox for years.

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