Has anyone else just stopped watching the news?

by sjcollins ⌂ @, SW Missouri, Tuesday, August 07, 2018, 08:42 (2237 days ago)

I've gotten tired of the constant BS from all of them. I look at some online, but I can barely make it through my local news anymore, much less national stuff.

Finding some property in the mountains looks better and better all the time.

I quit TV altogether in 2009...

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Tuesday, August 07, 2018, 11:45 (2237 days ago) @ sjcollins

when it went digital and you had to have a box or purchase a new unit.

I haven't missed it.

Full disclosure: If we are traveling, I will surf when in the motel room. It always serves to confirm my decision.

A long time ago.

by Jimmy P., Florida Panhandle, Tuesday, August 07, 2018, 11:54 (2237 days ago) @ sjcollins

I catch the local at weather time and that's it.

Head in the sand I know, but I'm too old and lack the patience to listen to someone that I know is just going to pi.... Um.... tick me off.

A long time ago.

by Big Six, Tuesday, August 07, 2018, 12:11 (2237 days ago) @ Jimmy P.

Likewise here.

I watch the weather only during major or unusual weather events.

The chiggers are so bad this summer I haven't been running the woods as much as normal, however, squirrel season opens this month and that may change.

I do find myself shooting more and when not doing so contemplating doing so.

I have lots of people coming out here to do some shooting "just to brush up" and sometimes to have me teach a family member.

I have some people coming from out of state this month to "brush up" and the son of the family learned all of his skills here.

In summary... I will say that there is trouble on the horizon and we can all see/smell it.

Use your time wisely folks.

My apologies for the bluntness in the latter part of this post.


I'm tired of being manipulated,

by anachronism, Tuesday, August 07, 2018, 12:43 (2237 days ago) @ sjcollins

I'm tired of being manipulated, by both sides! We are now reliving the 1960s with all the protests and riots. I do keep an eye on the news however, but it's getting harder by the day to distinguish the actual information from the BS. My concern is that this "Roman Spectacle" we are witnessing may be designed to give us news burnout, so we miss important things we should be watching closely. The most important information I receive is usually routed through sources other than network broadcasting. Even that's not 100% reliable, but since newscasters are all actors, and their writers are all fantasy writers and propagandists, I trust word of mouth reports from non-professional witnesses over the carefully scripted, rehearsed, and "official" news.


by Charles, Tuesday, August 07, 2018, 13:11 (2237 days ago) @ sjcollins

There is no media outlet that can be trusted to deliver straight news. There is commentary and spin hidden in every one of them. None of them can be trusted. I check the Web in the morning to see if WWIII started over night than that is all.

I can't afford to buy a whole country and throw

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Tuesday, August 07, 2018, 15:44 (2237 days ago) @ sjcollins

everyone else out of it. Watching the news, even on Fox, is wearing on me. After years as a news "junkie" I am now just taking in enough to know when to duck (or lock and load).



Has anyone else just stopped watching the news?

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Tuesday, August 07, 2018, 18:44 (2237 days ago) @ sjcollins

I still watch FOX some but that's about it. Mostly I get my news from altrnative sources.

Very Long Ago. Broadband, but no cable.

by John K., Tuesday, August 07, 2018, 18:51 (2237 days ago) @ sjcollins

Keep up with friends on Facebook, but that is also heavily manipulated.

I stay in the shop or woods mostly.

Where's the danged 'Like' button when you need it?

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Tuesday, August 07, 2018, 19:25 (2237 days ago) @ John K.


Nothing like a good dose of red bugs.....

by Jimmy P., Florida Panhandle, Tuesday, August 07, 2018, 21:19 (2237 days ago) @ Big Six

... It gives you something to do at night and really makes you appreciate NOT having a dose of red bugs.

Has anyone else just stopped watching the news?

by Bri A, Tuesday, August 07, 2018, 22:23 (2237 days ago) @ sjcollins

I watch the local outlet regularly and will watch Fox when somewhere that has paid TV. I avoid the major network national news shows because the continual BS just grates on my nerves too badly. I get most of my information through friends on facebook who are dedicated to staying on top of things and verifying sources. No one source has it all correct, but by searching for references on important topics and reading as many as I have time for, then debating it online, I am generally as well informed as I can be.

Has anyone else just stopped watching the news?

by SIXGUNNER, Tuesday, August 07, 2018, 23:30 (2237 days ago) @ sjcollins


Welcome to the Resistance. (nt)

by Paul ⌂, Wednesday, August 08, 2018, 07:39 (2236 days ago) @ sjcollins


Has anyone else just stopped watching the news?

by Creeker @, Hardwoods, Wednesday, August 08, 2018, 15:42 (2236 days ago) @ sjcollins

I normally get an hour a day TV/Radio mix. I check our local paper online each morning. And that pretty well does me for "NEWS".

Like Hoot said...

by rob @, Friday, August 10, 2018, 10:42 (2234 days ago) @ Paul

Where’s the LIKE button when you need it:)

33 years ago. Stopped listening to talk radio regurly

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, August 10, 2018, 17:28 (2234 days ago) @ sjcollins

about 8 years ago. The world is a better place.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

We don’t watch much grown-up tv at our house

by mcassill, Friday, August 10, 2018, 20:52 (2234 days ago) @ sjcollins

And I don’t miss it.

stopped completely ...about 1971 !!!

by cable, Monday, August 13, 2018, 14:40 (2231 days ago) @ SIXGUNNER


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