A picker's Leather Treasures -- at $2XX -- mil and ciiv --

by YJohn Meeker @, Tuesday, October 25, 2016, 18:49 (3040 days ago)

First up....

A complete cavalry saddle, in fair dirty and somewhat stiff [but sound], I believe - I didn't spot andy big losses of equipment. The stirrup/leather looked good, but dirty -- same as all the items.

B. What I believe may be a WW2 rifle/carbine scabbard. Has a long metal rimmed open slot, down one side for a "Charging handle" GI Green, of course

C. For those of use that savor the 'old', and just too cool to not want: is a simple all leather, flap top, semi-flexible thinner-leather scabbard, with horseback hang-straps. OH...and by the way - it has a date of 1908 NOW -- under flap is THE DATE OF THE HUNT, THE GUIDE'S NAME AND, i BELIEVE THE HUNTER'S, NAME.

I suppose such untouched stuff is perhaps not qa wonder; but if outdoors folks are anything, they are do-it-yourselfers. In this case[s], I asked the owner if he would mind not dong anything to them, until I looked at treatments. He was surprised that most products are not especially good for the biological structure, but can actually deteriorate further any existing damage, as well as initiate it's own

Pecard's has been mentioned, as at least adequate for the purpose. There is published research under the 'leather conservation' search 'button',,,which Ill read another night.

May all of you have the fun of discovering such historic materials, minor as they are. Y'all have some fun, imaging this in heaped up in your own trunk. And, of course, preservtion reports are welcome...will print out an pass'em on. Oh, he might sell the whole lot as is, but knowing hinm, it'll hit the mall-booth tomorrow, with somewhere around six-hundred on the lot. I'll be signing off now, as it's been a hustlin' and totin' day. A good Adios to all..and good night.

Preserving Picker's Leather Treasures -- --

by RidinLou, Middle TN, Tuesday, October 25, 2016, 20:24 (3040 days ago) @ YJohn Meeker

There is at least one or two more learned in the arts of leather gentlemen here, but I have found NOTHING makes old dry leather come/return to life faster/better that good old bear grease.

Trouble with that is finding a donor.

Anyone that decides to render down bear grease may want to set up outside on in an outbuilding

That Calvary Saddle rig is fairly expensive, made usable...

by YJohn Meeker @, Wednesday, October 26, 2016, 09:29 (3040 days ago) @ RidinLou

He might have to "git a bar". Thanks, there, as the 'natural fat' is chemically just what the leather needs.... IIRC, someone posted here, that a complete vintage Cav saddle was a pricey object. If so, I'd like to see the guy realize some of that..He's done me a good turn or two. Even as a display unit, I'd think it was worth more than a Coupla Hunnert.

A replica, without the chest straps, etc,,,looks to be 1200.

by YJohn Meeker @, Wednesday, October 26, 2016, 09:42 (3040 days ago) @ YJohn Meeker

,or so. If anyone knows a collector or re-enactor, it'll be available for a day or so, before the guy slings it into the mall. BTW, this is a 'non-profit' posting. I just like to see good antique guns and militry hooked up to folks who will appreciatte owning something, rther than just seeing it as 'another item of commerce'.

Those sound like good items...

by Brian A, Wednesday, October 26, 2016, 10:17 (3040 days ago) @ YJohn Meeker

To take to an antique arms collectors show. They would probably generate a pretty fair amount of attention from the various collectors who attend such events. You would have to research and be aware of the potential values of each before going though.

Excellent advice, were my bud not a 'flipper'......

by YJohn Meeker @, Wednesday, October 26, 2016, 11:06 (3040 days ago) @ Brian A

I'd thought the same, but his M.O. is buy the bargain, and sell it reasonably. He gets good turnover and a steady flow of $. By the time a decent restoration of the leather and trim is done with correct material, the cost would prob'ly fetch him about the same $ as simply flipping it, as is. I'm the one that gets excited to see how the whole out-fit, could be restored to a really nice condition, for display..or possibly use.

Just talked to him, and the whole lot will go into the Maumee Antique Mall, where, no doubt..someone who understands the merch, will burn their fingers hauling out green. Still and all, it is fun to see real antique Western/Mil goods hauled into the light of day in such a state of preservation.

At this point, I'm 'movin' on", and have had a a bit of grin at exploring the subject. Thanks, again, brian, and see ya Up Nort', someday again.

Got a rcommed for "Picard's" . wax also. on old leather....

by YJohn Meeker @, Thursday, October 27, 2016, 13:39 (3039 days ago) @ RidinLou

Agree about renedering doen a bear......de-greasing one is probly not anything you want to do 'in town'. My antique pickin' buddy put the lot in an antique mall, with the scabbards around a !00.oo , or so. The harness/saddle is up at somewhere near 350-450. Kinda fun to see older stuff come out of an attic, and into the light of day.

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