I had a CZ 97, traded it to Lee Jurras for my 5" 629

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, July 08, 2016, 08:02 (3147 days ago) @ rob

that I had traded to Andy... I like the CZs a 75 is high on my list of good pistols feels like a Hi Power in the hand, holds 17 rounds... I have a older Witness that was a cheap pawn shop find to build gunleather around. I have acquired a pile of magazines for it. great trigger. it and another Tangfaglio have proven to be utterly reliable.
My South African clients carry CZ75s, G19 or Styers .
the compact versions are very appealing. If I get another CZ it will be alloy...

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