Let's talk CZ pistols...

by rob @, Thursday, July 07, 2016, 22:57 (2999 days ago)

I'm thinking very hard about a CZ pistol. The closest thing I've had was the Interarms Tanfoglio Tanarmi (I think I got that right right...it was decades ago...almost 3) which was a knockoff/clone of the CZ75 I think. It felt great in the hand and shot well but I traded it for something else long long ago. So anyway, I'm debating between a standard CZ75 B, a P-01 Omega compact, and a 97 B...because, well .45! I like the straight trigger in the P-01 Omega and common sense says stay with the 9mm for a carry gun. But.....45!!! I have a 1911 in 45 ACP so I don't need another 45. I have a P226 (well, the wife usurped it...hence the wanting another 9mm). I have a Glock 19 that is my sweat and abuse gun but it's a Glock. There is NOTHING fun about shooting it, or holding it...or looking at it. I suspect it's gonna be the P-01 but thought I'd get some input. I'd get another P226 but that very curved trigger actually irritates the bottom of my right trigger finger...it's been wrecked more times than I like to remember and has some nerve damage. A straighter trigger, or at least one with less severe curvature, helps immensely.


by Andrew @, Bloomington, IN, Thursday, July 07, 2016, 23:04 (2999 days ago) @ rob

Full ambi controls. Classy too.


by rob @, Thursday, July 07, 2016, 23:31 (2999 days ago) @ Andrew

Yep, very nice. I like the all steel too. I just prefer a metal framed pistol. I don't mind aluminum or even unubtainium, I just don't want plastic. I suspect most of the models I'm looking at are the CZ polycoat which should be fairly corrosion resistant.

Let's talk CZ pistols...

by ~JM~, Friday, July 08, 2016, 00:01 (2999 days ago) @ rob

Once owned a stainless EAA Witness .45ACP

Nice shooting handgun & comfortable in the hand. I did not like the difference in the trigger reset distance between D/A & S/A though. Too much take up in S/A mode.


I have the full size EAA/Tanfoglio Witness in 40

by stonewalrus, Friday, July 08, 2016, 06:33 (2999 days ago) @ rob

Great shooting gun. For the range I would go full size but definitely a compact for carry. I have thought of the compact Tristar version just because - cheap, reliable but I don't really need one. I carry striker fired pistols but still like a hammer gun.

Is the IWI Jericho available up there?

by Paul ⌂, Friday, July 08, 2016, 07:49 (2999 days ago) @ rob

A few years ago one of the CTI guys (criminal investigators)let me shoot one of theirs on our club's range. He handed me 3 rounds to try out of it. It felt horrible in a traditional Bullseye stance, but when I shot it two handed it rang steel left, right, left, arcing about 45 degrees between the targets between shots. It just handled nice as could be for what it was designed as - a fighting gun, not a target gun. I've had the desire to pick one up ever since, but with about a $5,000 US dollar price tag - IF you can find one that's transferable - that's not going to happen any time soon.

I had a CZ 97, traded it to Lee Jurras for my 5" 629

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, July 08, 2016, 08:02 (2999 days ago) @ rob

that I had traded to Andy... I like the CZs a 75 is high on my list of good pistols feels like a Hi Power in the hand, holds 17 rounds... I have a older Witness that was a cheap pawn shop find to build gunleather around. I have acquired a pile of magazines for it. great trigger. it and another Tangfaglio have proven to be utterly reliable.
My South African clients carry CZ75s, G19 or Styers .
the compact versions are very appealing. If I get another CZ it will be alloy...

Of the Troops & For the Troops

The problem with my Glock...

by rob @, Friday, July 08, 2016, 08:27 (2999 days ago) @ stonewalrus

is it just doesn't fit my hand well. I have fairly big hands and even after some judicial sanding and reshaping under the trigger guard it still feels crowded, especially in the trigger guard. There is so much about Glocks I really like but the ergonomics stink for me. I've thought about trying the LC9s. Smaller and the triggers are supposed to be very good and anything should have better ergonomics than a Glock:)

Is the IWI Jericho available up there?

by rob @, Friday, July 08, 2016, 08:28 (2999 days ago) @ Paul

I believe they are. Haven't handled one though.

I had a CZ 97, traded it to Lee Jurras for my 5" 629

by rob @, Friday, July 08, 2016, 08:31 (2999 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Yep, definitely why I'm leaning toward the P-01. Compact and alloy. Are the holsters you make for them comparable in size to the Cuda for a Glock 19? I don't mean will the guns interchange, just an idea if they are comparable for concealed carry.

My understanding is that

by Paul ⌂, Friday, July 08, 2016, 08:32 (2999 days ago) @ rob

they are basically a CZ75 clone. The Israelis make good weapons, you might see if you can find one to check out.

Let's talk CZ pistols...

by Otony, Friday, July 08, 2016, 08:52 (2999 days ago) @ rob

I am a Hi-Power man, through and through, but the CZ-75 is a very close second, especially if equipped with VZ grips, which make an "almost feels like a Hi-Power pistol" into a GREAT feeling pistol.

Oddly enough, the blue 75 in 9mm is equipped with a single side safety, while the .40 caliber 75 has ambi-safeties. Another strange variation is that the stainless 75 in 9mm has an ambi-safety set up as well. Then there is the 85, which has ambi-safeties AND slide stops (a bit busy for me).

I mention all of this only to aid you in sorting through what you might desire in a CZ. I would advise staying away from the Omega versions, however. It has been widely reported on various CZ forums that the simplified internals of the Omega are more delicate than the original design, and somewhat prone to parts failure. The Omega was introduced to make complete disassembly easier, but it seems they designed the "toughness" out of the inner parts in doing so. I have no first hand experience in that regard, but have read it too often to ignore.

I too prefer the straighter trigger of the Omega, and I am fairly certain it can be retro-fitted into the original lock work.

Another point worth mentioning is that you can purchase a .357 SIG conversion barrel for the .40 caliber 75 from the CZ Custom Shop. Unlike the conversions of .40 Hi-Powers to .357 which have been problematic to some degree, the 75 has demonstrated that it will perform well with this cartridge. I am a fan of bottleneck cartridges, so this intrigues me quite a bit.

For me, the biggest single improvement you can make would be the VZ grips. I couldn't believe the extreme difference it made in the liveliness of the pistol by making it ever so slightly more slender. It is like handling two distinctly different guns.

Remember this, the CZ-75 even impressed Col. Cooper, who was known for his distaste of crunchentickers.


Now sold as the Baby Eagle....

by Otony, Friday, July 08, 2016, 08:55 (2999 days ago) @ rob

....imported by Magnum Research.


Yes, they are about the same size.

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, July 08, 2016, 09:33 (2999 days ago) @ rob


Of the Troops & For the Troops

The compacts are just spiffy.

by cas, Friday, July 08, 2016, 10:38 (2999 days ago) @ rob

I sure dont need one, but if one ever crossed my path at a decent price I would probably grab it.

I was tempted by a 97 but I was afraid of the magazine supply so I let the urge pass. (I don't think there is a magazine supply problem but that was the excuse I used to talk myself out of it )

I had a CZ75SA go through my hands. I fought long and hard about keeping it, I just couldn't think of what I'd do with it. Maybe a Steel gun, but I still don't shoot steel. lol. I was selling it for a friend's widow , so I selling it for the highest price I could get was the best option at the time, I was too broke to pay much at the time. I still regret not keeping it though.

I still have my USPSA / 3-Gun guns.... Even though I'm not active currently due to injury.


Very good info...

by rob @, Friday, July 08, 2016, 10:56 (2999 days ago) @ Otony

I would really prefer the standard CZ 9mm but I wonder how easy it would be to carry..I know that's a subjective thing though.

Good looking pistols!.

by rob @, Friday, July 08, 2016, 11:01 (2999 days ago) @ cas


I love the feel of the CZ or clone - to me it is like a

by stonewalrus, Friday, July 08, 2016, 11:53 (2999 days ago) @ rob

DA Hi Power.

I am carrying a Hi-Power.....

by Otony, Friday, July 08, 2016, 12:15 (2999 days ago) @ rob

....as I type this.

Proper holster and belt makes all the difference.


And they mangaed to ruin it by mimicing the too heavy slide

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, July 08, 2016, 12:36 (2999 days ago) @ Paul

on the Auto Mag...Just my opinion, based on experience...

Of the Troops & For the Troops

That won't bite the hand:)

by rob @, Friday, July 08, 2016, 13:57 (2999 days ago) @ stonewalrus


just bought a stainless 75B

by rob @, Friday, July 08, 2016, 13:59 (2999 days ago) @ Rob Leahy


just bought a stainless 75B

by Otony, Friday, July 08, 2016, 15:19 (2999 days ago) @ rob



Sell it to me while in search of your next perfect packin

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, July 08, 2016, 17:01 (2999 days ago) @ rob

pistol! :-)

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Let's talk CZ pistols...

by Harry O-1, Friday, July 08, 2016, 18:33 (2998 days ago) @ rob

I have a CZ-75 Compact. Fits my hand very well. It is also the most accurate "high-capacity" 9mm that I own. It is totally reliable. I like it a lot. Go with a CZ instead of a clone even though you may have to pay a little bit more. CZ-s are not that expensive. I think they are worth the few dollars extra.

I later bought a clone called the Canik 55 Compact from one of my co-workers fairly cheap. It uses the same magazines as my CZ-75. I don't know how many other parts will interchange, but the internal parts look the same. The Canik is heavier because it uses a steel frame instead of the aluminum of the CZ. The accuracy is not quite as good as the CZ-75, but it is better than most of my other hi-cap 9mm's, about the same as my Browning P-35.

It sorta bothers my finger in DA mode too with the curved...

by rob @, Friday, July 08, 2016, 18:47 (2998 days ago) @ Otony

trigger but I like it enough to overlook it:) Hopefully the DA will slick up a bit. I put about 50 rounds through it today including some carry ammo and it was reliable, pleasant to shoot and a one ragged hole gun but that was 21 feet and I didn't have time to move out to a farther range.

i think I'll keep this one:) Now I need a Shield or...

by rob @, Friday, July 08, 2016, 18:51 (2998 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Ruger LC9s. Handled both today and they are slick! The last Shield I handled had a terrible trigger. This one was incredible and the Ruger was too. I'm just gonna save the money and buy one...probably the Shield but it will be a tough decision!

Go to the CZ store and buy a straight trigger!

by Otony, Friday, July 08, 2016, 20:56 (2998 days ago) @ rob

If the Omega trigger isn't correct, there IS a straight trigger available that will work.


Bud's has some used in "Fair" condition for $279... (nt)

by Paul ⌂, Friday, July 08, 2016, 21:11 (2998 days ago) @ rob


The problem with my Glock...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Friday, July 08, 2016, 22:08 (2998 days ago) @ rob

They never did feel right to me and I spent 8 years doing my damnedest to get used to them. I retired from that dog & pony show in May and my last Glock went away the next day. Sig's 22X pistols have always suited me and I shot them better than anything this side of a tuned 1911. I carry a 229 in .40 these days and expect it'll do as long as I need one.

Cajun Gun Works has a modified 85C trigger

by rob @, Friday, July 08, 2016, 22:23 (2998 days ago) @ Otony

That can also be used with their reach reduction kit. I "think" the kit is $88 and includes the straighter trigger. The trigger itself is $44 and I think it's drop-in. I'll check the CZ store and see what they have. One way or another, this guns gonna get a straight'ish' trigger:)

i saw that yesterday...

by rob @, Friday, July 08, 2016, 22:24 (2998 days ago) @ Paul

That's a steal if they are decent.

So you retired from the law enforcement gig?

by rob @, Friday, July 08, 2016, 22:26 (2998 days ago) @ Sarge

I bet that feels good! After what happened in Dallas last night I've been pretty disheartened all day.

Do you suppose it would be the trigger for the 85 Combat?

by rob @, Friday, July 08, 2016, 22:43 (2998 days ago) @ Otony

On the CGW sight, their straighter trigger is called the "old style" 85C. The CZ sight doesn't give a lot of description. The one I want at CGW is out of stock but if I buy the reach reduction kit it looks like it's included. Looks like it has a set screw at the top that limits trigger return travel and it's coupled with a new disconnecter to offset the difference of the trigger being back a bit...so the hammer is at rest. Looks like a neat kit but I am waiting on an email response from them to be sure the trigger is the straight version. If the 85 Combat trigger is correct for what I want on the CZ page I'd just buy that but I'm not sure how to know for sure. Doing some CZ forum surfing.

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