Biden comparing how guns work..this AM on N'atl News
Sounding authoritative, he was comparing an AR to a Colt SA...and demonstrating with hand motions that plainly demonstrated he had never held or loaded a SA. His AR demo was 'movie stlyle'...This vote 'we won' is already under counter-assault...Someday, there will have to be a true and mass march upon Washington DC. No 100, 000 -- but A STREET CLOGGING mobilization that locks that locks the place down, until it is plainly understood that THIS TIME it is a DRY RUN.....don't make us come here again.... Yeah....I know ..fantasy..dream.....unlikely...etc.....I just hope that a decade from now, we all really , really wish we were prepared to and , and executed such a CIVIL PROTEST.
"Hang together, or hang separately."
one Demonrat CT senator is quoted to have said something
To the effect that they need to make it look like the Republicans are selling guns to ISIS - in other words, it is ok that the crazy bills don't go through, we will blame the Republicans for the terrorists. May have been the plan all along.
we need to come up with a name for ARs like Peacemaker
I see the term modern sporting rifle bandied about but something mom and apple pie would sure help. It can certainly be a peacemaker...
Beagle - who doesn't like Beagles...
Beagle - who doesn't like Beagles...
Not poodle-shooter?
hey!! We're trying for good PR here!!! ;~`).
Do You Remember The "Black Talon" Controversy?
I recall reading a post on one of the forums suggesting that the Black Talon name be changed to "Fluffy Pillows".
Can you imagine reading about the increased knock down power of the deadly "Fluffy Pillows"?
OK, how about...
Radical Islamic poodle-shooter?
The new round, less the moly coating is the SXT
some say that stands for Same eXact Thing.
R.I.P.S. - I like it...