Rascal - 1; Squills - 0.

by John Meeker @, Maumee Ohio, Tuesday, May 10, 2016, 06:46 (3128 days ago)

Thanks to the abundant advice rec'd on the subject, great niece will [in a year or two], be the recipient of a nifty little 'real rifle'. In the meantime I am having a quiet blast with the lil' gun. In fact, I am somewhat enamored with it. As noted by previous writers, it's compact, accurate, & light. As well, it is an inexpensive, well-designed and executed 'niche' popper.

In the process of selection, I have had the chance to look over gun shows and local shops, and did note the relative scarcity of once abundant classic single-shot bolt actions. Yup, there are some out there - and the current prices reflect the 'discovery' of blued steel and walnut vintage 'anythings', over the past several years. I 'm pretty certain most of us can remember a table full of 'cheap kids 22's' Not anymore, Eh!?

As I've gotten crankier, my taste in workin' guns has gotten more utilitarian. It's not that I don't appreciate all the nifty-factor, eye-appeal, and function. Those types of 'my generation' Names & Models [--- and the Great Gun Writer's firearms, have been etched on my brain since my first gun book in the fifth grade. Our time was a fortunate period in which to study first-hand the historical sweep, the industrial development, and the Great 'Classic' Writers of the Field and Factory[Ahem! Not that we don't have great classic writers, today!)

At any rate, Savage 'did gude', and the contributions of opinion were entertaining. ..and BTW, if you can snag one of these at a price that suits you, buy two. 'Cause your going to want to keep one for your own entertainment -- it is a indeed, a 'miniature rifle'.

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