Cricket vs Rascal --

by Paul ⌂, Tuesday, April 26, 2016, 18:07 (3142 days ago) @ John Meeker

Just from a "keyboard commando" perspective, what I've read about them points favorably towards the Rascal over the Cricket in some respects and to the Cricket over the Rascal in others.

The Cricket requires a separate cocking operation after inserting the cartridge. This is good or bad depending on your use. Some folks really like a manually cocking rifle in the hands of a youngster, especially as they learn muzzle control and may not yet have the manual strength or dexterity to cock it themselves.

The Rascal allows you to drop a cartridge in the trough and push it home. The Cricket requires you to manually insert at least the tip of the cartridge into the chamber before sliding the bolt home. That can be problematic for large fingers or young fingers that are still learning dexterity or arthritic fingers that have lost their dexterity.

The peep on the Rascal gets better reviews from the folks I've read reviews from.

The bolt on the Cricket does not stay closed when carried on a sling. That's an issue for trappers and others that plan to carry it through the woods, may not have an effect on decision making for a back door pest whapper.

Some folks are put off on the short length of pull. On a cutoff 22 that has never been an issue for me. Resting it against my collar bone instead of in the shoulder pocket allows decent control and stability - and the negligible recoil poses no threat to aforementioned collar bone.

I, for one, am curious as to what you end up doing - especially any feedback you can give us on which ever (or both) you end up with. :-D

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