..Aguila "powderless" Colibri .22's...good useful item......

by John Meeker @, Maumee Ohio, Sunday, April 10, 2016, 20:09 (3158 days ago) @ D. Sikes

.....air power is my choice in this case, more for a possible 'bounce factor' from something heavier/denser than a light pellet.. Part of the 'range' is a rock-edged flower bed {yeah...well, my wife collected them from the river, hauled them home, and made the wall, and filled the bed....Sooo 'habitat removal' is unlikely. Can't use poison there -- inside the fence with the Chessies. As well, the popular hang-out for the varmints include some walnut trees, which have houses back of the flight line. And....I'm...unh.."known" by my local friendly small police force, to be a bit impulsive on occasions which mattered to me. Sooooooooo...

Much as I would prefer, and normally have to-hand both powder and 'primer' only Colibri's, the little bolt action stays unloaded.....at at least at this address.

I appreciate those speaking up for the little rounds. They have served me in country and in town for those type of purposes. I regularly shoot them down at the shop, for a break, and have tested their penetrative quality in drywall.;~`) At other locales we've lived, they did the sorts of chores you describe. So, I live with the compromise...I even put a bullet trap at the back wall at the bottom of the second-story staircase, as the grade and distance are near perfect for replicating the upper windows gradient and distance-zero for the ground around the biggest and closest oak tree. It's a regular bait mine, this time of years as the bushies hunt for last years buried nuts..

Your idea of a break-open SS .22 is good idee....have to have an excuse to get another 'house-sniper' tool. Hmmmm. ;~`)

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