Have A Real Bad Feeling...

by ~JM~, Tuesday, March 15, 2016, 23:26 (3284 days ago)

I have a real bad feeling that Hitlery will become the next President.

From the very beginning I have often wondered if Trump was a Democrat plant to insure that Clinton would win. Much like Ross Perot during the Bill Clinton run for the office.

I hope that I'm wrong....


You can't indict me, I'm the Democratic nominee for

by AkRay, Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 02:12 (3284 days ago) @ ~JM~

President! I wonder if we will hear these words from the old bag in the coming months? It would be nice to be reassured that our system of government isn't completely broken.

Remember who is really running the country...

by Byron, Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 09:28 (3283 days ago) @ ~JM~

Although elections are an important part of this process, one must always remember that the ones that actually run the government are non-elected civil servants that are only partially controllable by the people we elect.

Congress passes legislation and the president enforces it but the tools of that enforcement are in the hands of the bureaucrats. The elected officials are here briefly but the “real” government is eternal.

Whether your guy gets picked or not it will be business as usual on most of the major issues. He or she may find something to focus on but by and large things will not change. A Wall? Unlikely. Deportation of all immigrants? Illegal and economically devastating. Free college for all? Nothing but talk.

Look for Trump to moderate his message after the nomination when he needs moderate votes. Hillary will become more centralist as well and if elected will pursue her personal "Clinton" agenda that have little to do with running the country.

Regardless of political affiliation, one must admit that we are poorly served.


I Would Really Like To Vote For SOMEONE...

by ~JM~, Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 10:54 (3283 days ago) @ Byron

Verses having to vote against someone.

It would be a refreshing change.



by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Thursday, March 17, 2016, 06:15 (3283 days ago) @ ~JM~


The 'roll-over' to Das Peeple's Socialist Paradise -- or...

by John Meeker @, Maumee Ohio, Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 11:07 (3283 days ago) @ ~JM~

Hell, as I foresee it.

Have A Real Bad Feeling...

by Art @, Littleton, Colorado, Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 15:51 (3283 days ago) @ ~JM~
edited by Art, Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 15:59

I think Romney took off on Trump to try and keep him from getting the necessary delagates to insure his nomination at the Republican convention. I believe he may come in as a white knight in a contested convention to receive the nomination to run. If so I think he can defeat Clinton. When he ran aganist Obama he had to dance around around him to prevent being labeled a raceist. Not so with Clinton. If he tabs Kasich as VP he may insure Ohio's electoral votes.

Maybe I am only dreaming. I am not even sure how a contested convention works.

Have A Real Bad Feeling...

by DiamondD, Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 17:34 (3283 days ago) @ Art

I can almost guarantee that if Trump or Cruz don't get the nomination and the GOP runs someone like Romney they will hand Hillary the White House in a landslide. I'm almost convinced the GOP would prefer Hillary to the two frontrunners actually.

unfortunately, i agree

by cable, Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 18:46 (3283 days ago) @ DiamondD


Contested Convention

by CJM @, Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 20:06 (3283 days ago) @ Art

As the Republican rules are now, for the first ballot all of the delegates from the various states must follow the results of the primaries and caucuses; the Republicans do have some (100+) party delegates that aren't selected by the states and can vote for anyone even in the first ballot. If no one has a majority in that first vote, then all bets are off and by the rules of the party any delegate can vote for anyone nominated for the next round of voting, the nominations can come from the floor (any delegate) for any round after the first round. I think that some of the states have rules that say that the states delegates have to continue to vote for the person selected by the state primary/caucus - not sure if the states rule can over-ride the Republican party rule of being able to vote for anyone. If Trump doesn't manage to get an outright majority in the delegate count to win that first ballot then it's going to be a real mess; he's already threatened riots and I foresee lots of lawsuits over delegate votes and party rules. And if the Republican party changes the rules between now and the convention anything could happen.

It will be very interesting....

by Brian A, Thursday, March 17, 2016, 19:44 (3282 days ago) @ ~JM~

As I understand it, CJM is correct, the national party and states have different rules for delegates and I believe the state rules take precedent in a contested convention. That being said, it will be very interesting to see what happens since there are several candidates with suspended campaigns holding onto their delegates so far. Per the rules, some of those will be automatically released and cannot be obligated to vote as their candidate wishes. There will be a fair amount of deal making going on among the candidates prior to the convention regarding those delegates and if they will be released, committed to another candidate, or held onto.

If Trump or Cruz do not achieve a majority before the convention, but do maintain sufficient lead to hold off the others, it will be most interesting. If the party decided to do something really underhanded, I could see Cruz and Trump joining forces and forcing the issue with an overwhelming number of delegates. Could be a real wild time in Cleveland, not to mention I am sure the progressives will be out in force protesting the whole thing. Cleveland is home to a couple districts that experienced voting irregularities in the last couple presidential elections, such as having more votes than registered voters and vote counts of 100% for the Democrats with no one else receiving even a single vote.

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