Looking for a 2.5" S&W model 19...

by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 12:09 (3125 days ago)

nice condition but not collector quality. Would prefer blued. Thanks.

Looking for a 2.5" S&W model 19...

by uncowboy, Friday, March 04, 2016, 13:27 (3125 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

I was shooting with a local PD and it ended with a man on man on a dulling tree.
I was holding my own with a revolver others had wonder 9's . The chief pulled out his very old 19 2.5 and said here use this. This gun was shot in, hit POA , and was slicker than a nose in the first bloom in spring. That gun would have fetched whatever he wanted when I was done shooting but he would not part with it. SO SWEEET! J.Michael


by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 14:07 (3125 days ago) @ uncowboy

I'm hoping for an old roundbutt 19 that I can do a lot of DA shooting with.

No frame locks...no MIM...just blued steel with a trigger that breaks like glass. A gun that will teach you lessons.

Personally, after ownning several 2.5" M19's...

by JD, Western Washington, Friday, March 04, 2016, 15:06 (3125 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

I have owned several 2.5" model 19's and 66's, and while they are nice guns, I got rid of them and went to a 3" model 66. Having a full length ejector rod instead of the short ejector rod is worth it's weight in gold. The 3" conceals every bit as well as the 2.5" gun, but is sooooooo much slicker in ejecting cases!!!! The first time you try to do a speed reload and have to stand there picking cases out of the cylinder, you'll understand.....

On the model 19, only the 2.5" were round butt...

by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 16:12 (3125 days ago) @ JD

and I'm not sure about the stainless 66's but I think that's also correct. I understand on the full length ejector rod but I don't want a square butt. I've got those already. JD, do you remember if your 3" 66s were RB or SB? Problem is that I want a blued early gun that is RB and short...thus it's 2.5". If the 66 gives me an option to have a short RB, then I would consider stainless.

The newer guns don't interest me.

My 3" 66 is a round butt

by JD, Western Washington, Friday, March 04, 2016, 16:27 (3125 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

S&W has made a number of runs of 3" model 19's and 66's over the years. As far as I know, they have always been round butt guns...


by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 16:31 (3125 days ago) @ JD

I know the 2.5" 19s were round butt only. I thought the 3" guns were square butt. That's good to know. I'm not opposed to a 3" gun as long as I can get it RB. That opens up the search.

After 92 or so all of the S&W are RB...nt

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Saturday, March 05, 2016, 06:59 (3124 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet


Of the Troops & For the Troops

True. I prefer the earlier guns. NT

by Bryan Pettet, Saturday, March 05, 2016, 07:42 (3124 days ago) @ Rob Leahy


My 3" 66 is a round butt

by Jhenry, Friday, March 04, 2016, 19:17 (3125 days ago) @ JD

I carried a 3" M66 for years. Round butt. You are right about the full length ejector rod. Mine had a nice action job, radiused and polished trigger, a ball detent in the yoke and night sights.

I should have said the 2.5" were only round butt. NT

by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 16:58 (3125 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet


YES! Or a 4" 19 or 66... Perfext packing pistol written

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, March 04, 2016, 20:11 (3125 days ago) @ JD

all over it...[image]

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Good guns all of them but...

by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 20:15 (3125 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I think the short barreled round butt guns are even better. Plus, I want to practice heavy with a nice snub 357. If you can hit with that, you can shoot anything well.

Plugs AND MUFFS...

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Saturday, March 05, 2016, 06:57 (3124 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

I will ask around for you.;-)

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Yes, they are loud. I use both with them. Thx. NT

by Bryan Pettet, Saturday, March 05, 2016, 07:44 (3124 days ago) @ Rob Leahy


I know Jordan preferred the 4" but he was a big dude...

by Bryan Pettet, Saturday, March 05, 2016, 07:50 (3124 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

the 4" are certainly easier to hit with. Part of the attraction to the snub is just practicing to be a better shot with a stern teacher. I've got plenty of guns that are easier to shoot.

As luck would have it, this just popped up locally.

by Andrew @, Bloomington, IN, Friday, March 04, 2016, 15:45 (3125 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

Thx Andrew. I will consider that one.

by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 16:14 (3125 days ago) @ Andrew

Would prefer to buy from someone here that I know but I will keep that as an option.

I will try to hold out for a 19-3 or earlier but thx. NT

by Bryan Pettet, Saturday, March 05, 2016, 07:55 (3124 days ago) @ Andrew


Also...it might as well have a Sadowski tune!

by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 16:16 (3125 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

Since I'm shopping for old gold let's not hold back.

You might also consider a 2.75" Ruger Security Six...

by JD, Western Washington, Friday, March 04, 2016, 16:33 (3125 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

If given a choice between a 2.5" model 19 and a 2.75" security six, personally I would go with the security six. Most security sixes were square butt, but if you get a stainless one, it is about an hour job to round butt it (provided the serial number isn't in the way..). The security six is a much more robust and durable gun, but still has a nice single and double action trigger, and the ejector rod stroke is a little longer. My 2.75 stainless security six started life as a square butt, but I fixed that right off. Now it is a nice round butt with a very smooth action. I really like it...

Being robust is one thing. You actually prefer the action..

by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 16:37 (3125 days ago) @ JD

of a Speed Six versus an early S&W 19 or 66? I know there are blued 2.7" RB Speed Sixes.

Oops, Security Six not Speed Six. NT

by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 16:43 (3125 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet


Same guts, different outsides.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Saturday, March 05, 2016, 05:59 (3124 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

The S-6's can have very nice triggers. Nice as Smith? Ummm.....I would have to admit to being prejudiced towards the S&W (this from an admitted Rugerophile).

You still planning on being at CSA? I would happily throw in the two shorty Speed Sixes I have. Unfortunately, neither is a 3-5-7; they are .38 Spl and 9mm. I'd let you get them dirty....

That's always my thoughts...

by Bryan Pettet, Saturday, March 05, 2016, 07:38 (3124 days ago) @ Hoot

some of the Rugers can be nice...most are decent and they are tough guns. They just don't feel as good to me as early S&Ws. I hear Ruger makes good single action guns. :)

Yes, I will be at CSA. Happy to try yours and offer you time with any of mine. Thx.

I can bring my 2 3/4" Security Six 357.to CSA

by MS @, Southern Michigan, Saturday, March 05, 2016, 18:09 (3124 days ago) @ Hoot

Bryan, I will pull my blued 2 3/4" Security Six from it's bedroom safe hangout when we load up for CSA.
I'll bring ammo too. You are welcome to shoot it as much as you like. And no it's not for sale:-D
I say this because at least 50% of the people that shoot it want to buy it.

Mark Stevenson

I would love to shoot it. Thx!

by Bryan Pettet, Saturday, March 05, 2016, 18:18 (3124 days ago) @ MS

The good thing is they aren't hard to find. If I don't have a model 19 by then (and I'm working on a deal right now) or even if I do, it would be nice to compare some features side by side.

I look forward to it. Thx again.

Hey Bryan, keep up the good work.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Saturday, March 05, 2016, 21:18 (3124 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

Pretty soon you won't have to bring a single gun nor piece of ammo! :-P

Just joshin' of course.

I'm wondering how I will get all my stuff into the car...

by Bryan Pettet, Saturday, March 05, 2016, 22:10 (3124 days ago) @ Hoot

I sold the truck. The Subaru Outback will be full I think for CSA. Should be lighter on the way back unless my checkbook gets lighter too. One never knows about such things in advance.

At least on mine, it's as good as the k frame

by JD, Western Washington, Friday, March 04, 2016, 19:53 (3125 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

On mine, the double action is extremely smooth and single actio on par with a stock k frame...

Thx JD. I know you're particular. NT

by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 20:01 (3125 days ago) @ JD


Do you know the weight diff....

by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 17:50 (3125 days ago) @ JD

Between the 3" 19 or 66 and the 2.75" Ruger?

Or a 3" model 19 or 66 that is round butt. NT

by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 16:34 (3125 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet


Keep your eye on the brass ring, Bryan...

by Catoosa, Friday, March 04, 2016, 19:15 (3125 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

There's nothing quite like a 2.5 inch Model 19. I found an almost pristine one quite a few years ago in a local gun shop, and couldn't make up my mind about it. The blasted thing actually sat there for over a month, whispering to me every time I walked in the door. My wife finally went to the shop with me and bought it for an anniversary present to me, just so I'd quit moping about it.

It is no longer pristine, but with stag stocks and some holster wear it looks even better. The 2.5 inch M19 is one of the most businesslike looking guns ever built, IMHO.

Thx. They are slick. NT

by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 19:26 (3125 days ago) @ Catoosa


Put a bid on one. Doubt it sticks. NT

by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 19:51 (3125 days ago) @ Catoosa


Outbid. NT

by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 20:54 (3125 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet


Looking for a 2.5" S&W model 19...

by Fowler, Friday, March 04, 2016, 19:42 (3125 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

Tom Richardson made me buy his and I have been tickled with it ever since! I carry it almost as often as my 1911 these days, probably run 2000 rounds plus through it over the last 18 months or so. Lives in the nightstand next to my head or on my hip these days...

Well shoot...

by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 19:44 (3125 days ago) @ Fowler

that's one source I was going to check. Heard Tom was selling his....well, it stayed in the family. That's cool. Sounds like you dig it.

Well shoot...

by Fowler, Friday, March 04, 2016, 20:19 (3125 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

I'd still call him, might have another and he's always worth catching up with.

I don't have his info. Can you forward to me? NT

by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 20:32 (3125 days ago) @ Fowler


2.5" or 3", S&W or Ruger, blued or stainless, adj or fixed

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Friday, March 04, 2016, 20:58 (3125 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

sights, all good. Just my opinion...



Yes, all good versions of carry guns. NT

by Bryan Pettet, Friday, March 04, 2016, 21:05 (3125 days ago) @ Hobie


Looking for a 2.5" S&W model 19...

by Brian A, Saturday, March 05, 2016, 03:56 (3124 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

I understand your desire, took me quite a few years to find a good one. Finally happened on a sheriff deputy's widow at a local gun show selling off all of his guns and wanted them all gone that day. She had a local dealer helping her out, was fully aware of the values she could get for them given more time, but just wanted them gone. Picked up his '72 vintage sheriff dept stamped 2.5" M19 for $250 and it is a honey. Has a little road rash on the cylinder where it was probably dropped, but otherwise has excellent blue, timed perfect and is smooth as glass. It shoots well enough I have used it to head shoot squirrels while out bumming around in the woods. It is very comfortable to carry with the right set-up and accompanies me frequently.

Nice story. Head shots, eh? That's slick. NT

by Bryan Pettet, Saturday, March 05, 2016, 07:47 (3124 days ago) @ Brian A


Nice story. Head shots, eh? That's slick. NT

by Brian A, Saturday, March 05, 2016, 11:53 (3124 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

Went to a local gun show this morning and there was a nice looking 2 1/2" M66 sitting on a table for $625 and an older 4" M19 on another table for $425. They are both still there, nice pieces but a bit rich for my blood.

I'm currently working a deal on a 2.5" 19-3.

by Bryan Pettet, Saturday, March 05, 2016, 22:52 (3124 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

Will know soon. Thx for all of the good replies. They are interesting guns.

Eh, price didn't reflect condition. Still looking. NT

by Bryan Pettet, Sunday, March 06, 2016, 15:51 (3123 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet


Eh, just curious...

by Brian A, Tuesday, March 08, 2016, 14:25 (3121 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

Was talking with my Dad about handgun hunting and he said he had recently read an article by Ross Seyfried on the subject where the author stated his favorite hunting handgun was indeed a 2 1/2" M19 and that he had made good kills out to 100+ yards with it. Seeing as you just posted an thread looking for his articles, then a thread about looking for just such a handgun, was wondering if the two may be related?

Eh, just curious...

by Bryan Pettet, Tuesday, March 08, 2016, 19:36 (3121 days ago) @ Brian A

Short answer is yes. I've long been a fan of Seyfried and have read all of his articles. I remembered the article on his fav handguns and then found it. Besides liking the snub S&Ws in general, I like his thinking on the 2.5" 357 being a demanding teacher. If you can shoot it, particularly in DA, then you can probably shoot anything well.

Eh, just curious...

by Brian A, Tuesday, March 08, 2016, 21:16 (3121 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

I do enjoy the challenge of the short barrel guns. Today decided to try out a DAO AMT 380 and pulled off a 25 yard center hit on an 8" steel plate, not too bad for a pocket auto with just a groove down the slide to sight down. Then ran a rack of swinging 2"x4" rectangular steel plates, with a S&W M317 (airweight 3" j-frame) in double action mode, without missing one in spite of a cylinder full of mixed ammo, with two that did not go off the first time, so had to dry fire through the cylinder a second time without knowing which cylinder was going to fire. It was not super rapid fire, took probably about one second per drop of the hammer, but fast enough to be challenging with the heavy double action trigger on such a lightweight revolver.

Nice. The AMT is a tough one to shoot well...

by Bryan Pettet, Tuesday, March 08, 2016, 21:20 (3121 days ago) @ Brian A

I never could shoot my Seecamp to my own satisfaction. Ack.

Yes it is...

by Brian A, Wednesday, March 09, 2016, 01:04 (3120 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

It has been very reliable and accurate, which is not the reputation of the Back-Ups. They are tough to hit with though because of having no sights, just a groove the length of the slide.

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