SIGH... Mama wants a trike....
Here we go again...
Mama wants a trike... so I gotta sell all my guns again to be able get one for her... you know the saying... if Mama ain't happy, no one is happy... So it looks like for the next few years (I gotta pay off loans and cards first)... it'll be awful lean times for me on guns and ammo... I'll be down to basically one handgun, a matching carbine (same ammo ... .40S&W), and a shotgun...
I need to win the lotto.
Here ya go!
Very horrible, but it's a trike.....
OMG...a Fiero can't say it.
Ack...that's ugly.
SIGH... Mama wants a trike....
Don, do you reload .40? If so, I've got a bunch of cast Bullets on hand. You are welcome to some if it'd help keep you shooting! They shoot great through my Kel Tec SUB2000 and pretty well through a Glock 22 ( shh,
Don't tell anyone I was shooting cast in a Glock!).
.40 reloading
Thanks for the offer... I haven't reloaded .40S&W yet... I have bout 1200 commercial rounds still in my stock.. the reason I'm keeping the one carbine and pistol in that cal... I'll probably start reloading them when I get to the point when I have more empty cases than loaded ones... GRIN...
DO not sell! Save...
Of the Troops & For the Troops
Mama wants a trike....Here ya go...
No need to thank me, Glad to be of help.