Looking for an Aimpoint Micro sight...
by Bryan Pettet, Thursday, February 18, 2016, 16:03 (3288 days ago)
thought I would check here to see if any might be for sale before I go retail.
Looking for an Aimpoint Micro sight...
by Byron, Friday, February 19, 2016, 06:53 (3287 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet
While I would never say that these sights are "as good as" a real deal Aimpoint I will say they are probably 80-90% "as good as" and that is very good indeed. They are impressive.
I have both the real deal Aimpoints and the Primary/Holosun units and in my opinion if one is not somewhere downrange running with the teams there is little justification for spending $750 instead of $175 unless you just want to have the Aimpoint. In that case, only the Aimpoint will do.
Still, you could have the Primary Arms sight and 2000 rounds of 5.56mm or weekend of quality gunslinger training for the price of the Aimpoint and in my opinion is a better deal.
Looking for an Aimpoint Micro sight...
by Slow Hand
, Indiana, Friday, February 19, 2016, 08:10 (3287 days ago) @ Byron
I've got a half dozen of the PA micros. On everything from .22's, 9mm carbines to my AK's. Even have one on an Ultimak rail on my AC556. It has been too hot to touch several times and still keeps plugging along.
I want to try one of the new advanced micros, they have an extended battery life that rivals Aimpoints!
Looking for an Aimpoint Micro sight...
by bmize, Friday, February 19, 2016, 10:33 (3287 days ago) @ Byron
I've been very happy with the one I have,it is on 22 I use for Bullseye. almost 5k rds thru it since last July.
I know someone that has one slide mounted on a 1911 wadgun and not had a problem at all.
He did change it to a steel mount since it was slide mounted.
the steel mount is made by Fred Totts at Kodiak Machine.
I wonder how they'd deal with recoil?
by cas, Friday, February 19, 2016, 11:03 (3287 days ago) @ Byron
I've played with a couple of the PSA's on AR (and real Micro's for that matter, not real crazy about the tiny window). I want to put a small dot on my little 45-70 but can't see spending more than the rifle costs for a sight that will in all likelihood get one week 's worth of use every 2-3 years. But I wonder how the Chinese electronics will hold up to that amount of recoil.
I've missed the $300-ish H-1's two years in a row, but every "Black Friday" I'm away in the woods with no internet.
I wasn't familiar with this brand before now...
by Bryan Pettet, Friday, February 19, 2016, 22:44 (3286 days ago) @ Byron
very good feedback here gentleman. Thanks.
I see they are out of stock for now but I'm on the email list to be updated when stock arrives. I used to have an H1 on a custom AK with Ultimak gas tube. I've gotten another nice AK and want to set it up similarly. You can bounce a can as far as you can see it. Good stuff.
Ebay saves the day (you don't get to say that often)...
by Bryan Pettet, Saturday, February 20, 2016, 09:38 (3286 days ago) @ Byron
out of stock with dealer. Ebay has them for $105 shipped. I went with the Micro 2 MOA version.
Thanks again for the info.
The PA micro arrived. Looks like a good piece of kit.
by Bryan Pettet, Wednesday, February 24, 2016, 08:26 (3282 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet
Thanks again for the recommendation. For my needs, it's going to work as long as it doesn't break. Should be fine on the AK Ultimak tube.
I ordered a Vortex Spitfire this morning...
by rob , Saturday, February 27, 2016, 19:28 (3279 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet
Optics Planet has them on sale for $250. Not sure what their regular price is but its $299 at Midway. I was gonna buy a Holosun but the 1X Spitfire has an etched reticle so if the battery dies or something happens to the electronics you still have a reticle. Sounds good anyway and Votex has an excellent warranty so I figured I'll give it a try. Gonna put it on a Stag Arms AR and try to break it