From Ken Hackathorn...
"I am always amazed at the number of people that have CCWs, yet rarely ever carry a sidearm. Somehow, they think that they will have time to strap a gun on if trouble is about to descend upon them...."
Of the Troops & For the Troops
From Ken Hackathorn...
I always learn something from Ken whenever I see him on TV or read his stuff.
From Ken Hackathorn...
It amazes me the number of people who carry & can't operate their handgun.
i carry every day, all day, no exceptions
Handgun operation
Indeed, a non-functional firearm is of no use when stuff hits the fan. Yet how many don't do regular maintenance of their carry piece. Bits of lint, dust, etc can cause jams and other issues - right at the worst moment. I read a piece recently about the firearms used by perps, and how many of them did not function properly. It made me wonder how many people are carrying a pistol that will not function in case of need. Regularly stripping/cleaning/lubing a carry piece should be habitual, along with regularly firing off the carry load and replacing with fresh ammo.
I carry every day, all day, no exceptions
ME Too!! I too see lot`s of people who have CPL`s that find it (to hard to carry) a handgun most of the time. most don`t want to spend $ on a good holster, (and or) put in the time to train. they think that now that they have a CPL that they are safe? Sure glad I'm not like that. I know that evil can be anywhere.
Handgun operation
Agreed. If you run a couple of magazines/cylinders through them once a month, they won't collect much lint.
Yep, try to blow the lint out of em at least once a month
and shoot out the carry ammo. I have found that a little too oily works best on almost every gun carried everyday.
Of the Troops & For the Troops
I know of several with carry permits who have NEVER carried
Not me of course, but I know of folks who carry...
who have NEVER had a permit.
Awful, that's what it is, awful.
I have a friend who took the carry class with a Single
Six roughly 15 years ago and has never owned a good carry gun. Until recently the SS was the only handgun he owned. He recently bought a GP100 but still not my idea of a carry gun...
I have a friend who took the carry class with a Single
I like to be obstinate and took the class with a Single-Six. There was no quick reloads required so it was not much of a handicap. It was quite satisfying, and scary, to shoot my strings faster than some of the other students with race guns, all while having nice, tiny little groups in the middle of the target, and they mostly missed the entire target and backstop.
Actually I shot mine with a Single Six too - they encouraged
22s. I outshot pretty much all of them as well. Some showed up with NIB semi autos which proceeded to jam.
In Texas you can't do .22 Long Rifle....
I think it has to be at least a .32 but I may be wrong on that. Too my first class with a .45 ACP.