OK, when do you let it go?

by jerry b, Thursday, April 19, 2012, 08:27 (4549 days ago)

For a good number of years, my interest in hunting has gone down, down. I haven't bought a hunting license in 5 years, and for several years prior, I bought one but didn't hunt at all. I had reduced my hunting arms to basically one centerfire bolt gun and one double shotgun, but these only get cleaned occasionally these days.

So, when is it time to face the facts and sell them? I wouldn't be without shooting irons entirely, of course, Living here in the eastern sticks, there are certain tools to always have. But, I could apply the money to my guitar fund, eh?....saving up for one really great instrument before I croak.

Gotta admit, I have a hard time letting go.

OK, when do you let it go?

by cubrock, Thursday, April 19, 2012, 09:07 (4549 days ago) @ jerry b

In my opinion, one should always have at least one centerfire hunting rifle, one shotgun, and one rimfire rifle suitable for hunting. You may need them at some point. Other than that, if you aren't hunting, by all means sell them and use the money for something else.

I agree, looking at doing some cleaning house myself

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Thursday, April 19, 2012, 12:45 (4549 days ago) @ cubrock


I'm a firearms hoarder... that's no help to you, or me!

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Thursday, April 19, 2012, 09:08 (4549 days ago) @ jerry b

;-) But it does mean I'm not qualified to answer your question.



I manage to collect guns AND guitars...

by Boge Quinn, Thursday, April 19, 2012, 09:20 (4549 days ago) @ jerry b

...and vintage pocket watches. God has blessed me richly!

Jerry, Is there no one you can give them to?

by pokynojoe, Thursday, April 19, 2012, 09:24 (4549 days ago) @ jerry b

I've only ever sold a few, but I've given away lots of stuff. I don't have any sons, but there is always someone around here that needs a rifle to deer hunt and can't afford one. I've never had any high dollar, or custom firearms, but most of what I've given away were perfectly functional, and more than adequate for the intended purpose. Our club teaches a lot of hunter safety courses and a lot of the kids are from less than well to do families, it's a good place to find a worthy recepient, if your kin don't need any.

Jerry, Is there no one you can give them to?

by jerry b, Thursday, April 19, 2012, 09:52 (4549 days ago) @ pokynojoe

No kin. But, you know, I can sell and give to some to charity. There's a motivation.

I would keep them...

by ~JM~, Thursday, April 19, 2012, 14:11 (4549 days ago) @ jerry b

You never know when you may want to use them again. Trying to replace them may be to expensive.


I've pared down some...

by Sarge, Thursday, April 19, 2012, 15:02 (4549 days ago) @ jerry b

and like you Ive about lost interest in deer hunting. That started here with the antler point nonsense. Anyhow I've cut down to a .45 Vaquero, a 1911, a 94 Winchester and a .38 snub. I can do small game/pests with all of them and have tailored small game loads for the last three. Believe I'm going to buy a cheap over-under (yes I know, get what you pay for) for birds and another .223 for 'yotes, deer and such. We've not fiddled with .22's since the kids were small and I'm thinking the wife and I could have fun with a couple of those. I'm kicking myself in the ass for selling my 580 Mini last year, in anticipation of an AR build. The more cheap M4's I shoot and wrench on, the more I appreciate the Mini 14 LOL

Times and circumstances change - and not always for bad...

by John Meeker @, AR-somethin' question..., Thursday, April 19, 2012, 18:46 (4549 days ago) @ jerry b

My recent and continuing go-round with some industrial grade skelo-musculat shoulder probs has me resetting the -gunsights, so to speak. In fact, was just over on Marlin Owners board asking for help to establish a fair price on my XS-sighted .30-30 XLR.

Going to list a few handguns here, to get an idea on price -- don't have time to chase all over the Auctions and BBS's to guess at Real Sell Prices.

All it really means is we can concentrate more on the guns we have now. My Dad owned a .22, a 16ga, and an H&R Trapper for mosat of his life and wasn't handicapped, so far I could see. Of course he didn't MIND shooting my ever-changing closet full, either. ;~`)

I mean, I'm actually debating as to whether I wan to sell my CZ bolt 22, because I already have a 1950's Marling 39. HUNH??? Well, it could happen. Gonna let some SA's go; hang onto a range bag of mild Smith's, and who knows where I'll end up once selling and trading is done gone.

Kinda enjoying it, but tinged with a bit of memory and melancholy, too. Just like livin', I'd guess.

OK, when do you let it go?

by Art @, Littleton, Colorado, Thursday, April 19, 2012, 19:35 (4549 days ago) @ jerry b

I am in the same boat. Have not hunted in years. I have sold my shotguns but have kept my Rem. 700 in 30-06 since my wife asked the question if I had to hunt again what would I use. I used part of the proceeds from the shotgun sales to buy a CZ 452. I sent a 2x7 Leupold back to the factory to have the paralax re-set for a 22 rim fire and the whole package is a peach. Still have a Ruger 223 and am not sure why since I do not use it. Probably will make a decision on it some day. Still have my hand guns that I use a lot and can't imagine getting rid of any of them.

Hard decisions to make after a lifetime of hunting and accumalating fire arms. Has me thinking just like you.


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