Interesting way to notify us of bad weather.
The weather service slapped a "life threatening torndao outbreak" watch on my area for tomorrow.
That's just great...
Let's incite a little panic amongst the less sophisticated ones, who don't realize that we don't know what the hell we're talking about.
Yeah, we're driving through that Sunday...
May detour through central Texas... Good Guns, great folks, good whiskey...
Interesting way to notify us of bad weather.
Wildcat how did you make out through the storm? I was supposed to be in Alma turkey hunting this week. Would have been tough hunting!!! 2 years ago it rained and the sky got black like I have never seen before. Was kind of cool to be honest.
Interesting way to notify us of bad weather.
I live west of Olpe. Had a big rain wrapped booger roll by about one mile west of us. We hunkered in the bunker since it came at about midnight and was really pouring down. Looks like it was the same one that rolled through Wichita.