NY says "No" to more gun regulation. (That just sounds odd)

by Mark @, Monday, April 02, 2012, 10:52 (4566 days ago)


The powerful gun lobby's influence has once again prevented common
sense legislation that would provide law enforcement with a tool to
catch criminals. The New York State Assembly included microstamping
in their budget proposal in response to the Governor repealing CoBIS
[Combined Ballistic Identification System] in his executive
budget. The gun lobby has prevailed to keep microstamping out of the
final budget.

Case after case remain unsolved even though there is a preponderance
of evidence such as shell casings left behind at the scene of
neighborhood killings. These unsolved cases demand a solution that is
not unlike the metal stamping used on automobiles, vehicle
Identification numbers (VIN). The terrorist who left a Nissan
Pathfinder in Times Square in 2010 was identified through the car's
VIN number. The break in the case occurred when a NYPD Detective went
under the vehicle and obtained the hidden metal stamped VIN number,
which identified the owner of record, who in turn, sold it to the suspect.

Like the VIN number on a car, the sole purpose of microstamping is to
provide police with a more accurate method to track down the owner of
a gun that is used in a crime. The gun lobby's rallying cry is that
microstamping is another piece of legislation that takes away rights
from law abiding gun owners. This couldn't be further from the truth.

In a letter to Governor Cuomo, Remington, a large gun manufacturer in
Illinois, went so far as to threaten to leave the New York market if
the state implemented microstamping. This is tantamount to extortion.

Violent gun crime continues to spike. Law enforcement deaths are on
the rise. It is a sad day for New York when the gun lobby can trump
public safety once again.

"The powerful gun loby" That would be US fellas...

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Monday, April 02, 2012, 11:25 (4566 days ago) @ Mark
edited by Rob Leahy, Monday, April 02, 2012, 12:22

Hyperbolic bull shit just streams through that press release. We need to root out the silver pony tailed Communists that teach at our University's and replace them with Pro American scholars.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Is that the sound of Atlas Shrugging?

by AaronB, Tuesday, April 03, 2012, 14:50 (4565 days ago) @ Mark

This part in particular caught my eye:

"In a letter to Governor Cuomo, Remington, a large gun manufacturer in
Illinois, went so far as to threaten to leave the New York market if
the state implemented microstamping. This is tantamount to extortion."

In other words, gun companies have some sort of moral or legal obligation to continue to do business in areas with governments that can set any sort of requirements they like on the products that gun company sells?

Under the circumstances, you'd think that the New York state government would be happy to see Remington bow out. If all gun manufacturers did likewise, wouldn't the gun controllers have finally achieved something akin to the gun-free nirvana they've been pushing for all these years?

Be that as it may, it's a little eerie to see Ayn Rand's predictions come so uncannily true. "Tantamount to extortion" my backside... any company has the right to pack up its marbles and go home.


unless the company is Boeing... terrible precident. Colt is

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Tuesday, April 03, 2012, 16:16 (4565 days ago) @ AaronB

also getting heat from the Unions (AGAIN!) and from the Dems in Conn. for moving their headquarters to Florida.

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