OT - Turbo Tax

by Mark, Friday, February 20, 2015, 09:22 (3505 days ago)

Who uses Turbo Tax and is it worth it? My tax guy charges $100 to do what I think is simple taxes (single, mortgage, a few other interest statements). My girlfriend uses Turbo tax and is happy with it. I always thought having someone do my taxes puts a buffer between me and the IRS in case of an audit and therefore worth it. I know find out, that is not the case.

OT - Turbo Tax

by Creeker @, Hardwoods, Friday, February 20, 2015, 09:44 (3505 days ago) @ Mark

I have for several years. When I opened Dry Creek we had a local pro do our taxes but then I discovered Turbo & we never looked back. If you answer the questions correctly your taxes will be correct. I didn't purchase the software but do mine online. My 2.


by SIXGUNNER, Friday, February 20, 2015, 09:57 (3505 days ago) @ Mark



by Mark, Friday, February 20, 2015, 12:30 (3504 days ago) @ SIXGUNNER

$625?!?!? Holy cow!
Thanks for the information all. I have to really look at what I am saving which is $40 and gas to his place.
Thanks again.

OT - Turbo Tax

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Friday, February 20, 2015, 10:07 (3505 days ago) @ Mark

I have been using H&R Block's PC software and its predecessor Tax cut for about 20 years. I tried Turbo Tax one year and it was OK, but I went back to H&R Block. Turbo should do a fine job for you, or you might look at H&R Blocks software. For what its worth, I am a retired CPA so I know if something does not come out right on the tax return.

OT - Turbo Tax

by MR, Friday, February 20, 2015, 11:24 (3504 days ago) @ Mark

I've used Tax Cut (H&R Blocks similar product) for about 10 years and have been happy. But our taxes are relatively simple with only my straight forward business expenses from my appraisal business, which are mostly mileage, professional dues, and license fees.

OT - Turbo Tax

by Remington40x @, SE PA, Friday, February 20, 2015, 14:30 (3504 days ago) @ Mark


I've used Turbo Tax for several years and am very happy with it. I've used it to prepare as many as 6 different individual's tax returns (mine, my mom's, and my four kids') and never had a problem.

I don't practice tax law any longer and haven't for years, but I have an LL.M in Federal Taxation, so I am at least familiar with most tax issues that might arise for an individual taxpayer.

I have never tried the H&R Block product, so cannot comment on it.


I have used it for several years. We have a fairly

by stonewalrus, Friday, February 20, 2015, 17:19 (3504 days ago) @ Mark

Simple tax return though. No second jobs, rental properties or such like.

I did my own simple taxes for a long time

by bj @, Friday, February 20, 2015, 19:23 (3504 days ago) @ Mark

I just did them manually, filled out the forms and added up the numbers myself.

Now I'm married to a CPA and she takes care of it.

If you don't want to do simple taxes, or if you have more complicated taxes, then TurboTax is a good choice.

OT - Turbo Tax

by Mark, Saturday, February 21, 2015, 06:21 (3504 days ago) @ Mark

To BJ:
I remember when I used to do my own taxes as well. That was when I first started in the working world and before I purchased a house.
To all:
Thanks again. I looked into the H&R Block software. It sure does seem similar to Turbo Tax. However, I think this year I think I will try Turbo Tax. I won't be saving much but my tax guy is no spring chicken. I should have a plan B in case he stops doing taxes for any reason and what better plan than to not need anyone's help? I am so on the fence about this that I even considered doing my taxes on turbo tax and going to see the tax guy to find out if the results were different.
Preparing taxes shouldn't be this hard. I wonder if countries like China and Russia pay taxes like we do here in the U.S.

I agree! It should not be so stinking complicated.

by stonewalrus, Saturday, February 21, 2015, 18:24 (3503 days ago) @ Mark

I think a politician could go far promising to simplify taxes. Of course the rich folks and corporations would lose their loopholes.


by SIXGUNNER, Sunday, February 22, 2015, 15:16 (3502 days ago) @ stonewalrus


Don't worry - I have been screwed by enough politicians in

by stonewalrus, Sunday, February 22, 2015, 18:47 (3502 days ago) @ SIXGUNNER

My line of work through the years not to trust ANY of them.

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