Stud wife needs some positive vibes in the morning...

by Byron, Saturday, December 13, 2014, 19:41 (3573 days ago)

My wife has been hanging around the wrong people lately and they have convinced her that unless she qualifies and runs the Boston Marathon her life will be wasted and a failure.

It is after all, the most prestigious marathon in the world and besides they give the coolest tee shirts and medals to the finishers. I hear there is lots of beer at the finish line.

She races in one of the last Boston qualifiers of the year tomorrow morning in College Station TX and will need to finish at a sub four hour time. This is 26.2 miles at better than a 9 minute mile pace in the 50-55 female class.

She will be no fun to be around if she doesn't make the cut.

Positive vibes for Teresa in the morning, please.


If you can't convince her of this, I sure can't, but...

by cubrock, Saturday, December 13, 2014, 19:49 (3573 days ago) @ Byron

please pass on to her from me (and I am sure ALL of us) that she doesn't have to run the Boston Marathon to be someone. She impresses the heck out of me in so many ways more important than a race. Her physical conditioning is just icing on the cake.

Please keep us posted, all the same.


by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Saturday, December 13, 2014, 22:02 (3573 days ago) @ cubrock




Better than a marathon. ...

by Andrew @, Bloomington, IN, Saturday, December 13, 2014, 20:36 (3573 days ago) @ Byron


Great but different..........

by Byron, Sunday, December 14, 2014, 12:58 (3573 days ago) @ Andrew

A team event not a race. She races. Winners and losers.

Missed the cut on this one. 17 MPH Texas headwind and shoe problems.

She will be at it again soon.

Boston or bust!



by BC, IA, usually. Not this week, though, Sunday, December 14, 2014, 15:39 (3573 days ago) @ Andrew

Have done it twice.

Drinks consumed. Pies eaten, corn peed into, Maid Rites enjoyed, Lesbos ridden with, Lance Armstrong met - and crushed by - ice cream, small towns, hog farm smells so thick you can taste 'em... gravel, sunburn, headwinds, loose bowels etc etc etc

Lots of fun. Ride with the right crowd. Avoid the 60+ bead sporting, dirty dancing sorts, generally hanging in the beer tents.

Go Iowa.

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