Unfortunately, we've seen this coming

by mcassill, Friday, November 14, 2014, 07:27 (3603 days ago)

Colt facing default on bond payments. Wall Street Journal article is behind a paywall, but somebody helpfully posted whole article to the Sig forum.


So sad

by cubrock, Friday, November 14, 2014, 08:27 (3603 days ago) @ mcassill

Colt could easily do so much to increase their sales. Unfortunately, I doubt the biggest part of their problem now is on the commercial side. That battle was lost years ago as they gave away market share to other companies to focus on their government customers.

Gov't contracting can be a boom-and-bust business

by mcassill, Friday, November 14, 2014, 08:49 (3603 days ago) @ cubrock

In the best of times. Even more so when you're making something that has become a fairly generic commodity. They haven't made anything "new and innovative" in decades.

They are one of worst run companies for years

by Fowler, Friday, November 14, 2014, 09:04 (3603 days ago) @ mcassill

Piss in the consumer market because your fat on gov contracts, let your products be copied and improved on by everyone else and then when the contracts run out come back to the consumer and say hey were back we love you and buy our inferior products for more than the competitions be wise were Colt.

Sad really but when you are run by retired military guys who have a hobby country club business mentality what do you expect? I hope they continue is all I can say but without some serious culture changes there I don't see it improving.

I agree, I just hate to see the Colt name go so far

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Friday, November 14, 2014, 13:01 (3603 days ago) @ Fowler

down hill (again) even if they have done it to themselves.

Unfortunately, we've seen this coming

by Ken O'Neill @, Hickory, N.C., Friday, November 14, 2014, 09:43 (3603 days ago) @ mcassill

Despite a few gasps of fresh air from time to time, Colt has been firmly on the road to ruin for more than 40 years. Poorly built guns, reluctance to build guns that people want, lousy customer service ... this is just one more chapter in a long saga.

Saying and advertising that a gun is a quality product, doesn't make it so.

More background from Business Week

by mcassill, Friday, November 14, 2014, 16:44 (3603 days ago) @ mcassill

I think they should see if Alan Mulally is a gun guy and

by Gary G, Friday, November 14, 2014, 20:26 (3603 days ago) @ mcassill

do some CEO shopping if he is.

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