Cordova 9mm

by Paul ⌂, Friday, October 17, 2014, 12:11 (3631 days ago)

Well, it's officially out now, the Cordova 9mm pistol designed and built down thisaway. First video is from the development phase and the second is an unofficial announcement of its being sprung upon an eager public.

Now the "good news", it's available for the meager price of approximately $2,500 US dollars. A veritable bargain considering that foreign built pistols will sell here for $500 to $1,000 dollars more...

Gun control via pricing them past what anyone of regular means can afford...

Cordova 9mm

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Friday, October 17, 2014, 13:18 (3631 days ago) @ Paul

So, they will have a gun available that few can afford. Will they limit the ammo they will sell like they do the 38 special ? Looks interesting but nothing unusual I see, just that its home grown. Oh, it does remind me a little of the Ruger P series. You going to sign up for one ?

Cordova 9mm

by Paul ⌂, Friday, October 17, 2014, 13:34 (3631 days ago) @ Cherokee
edited by Paul, Friday, October 17, 2014, 13:39

I'm not getting in line any time soon. There's 2,501 reasons not to. The first 2,500 are the cost, but the main one is I'm hoping to broker a deal on a used 12 bore 1100.

The ammo for the 9mm would be pretty much like the 38 spl - only the national brand, only 100 rounds every six months and in this case, only FMJ. One serious advantage is that the ammo they sell to civilians is the same as the Army uses. And the Army uses NATO Spec 9mm which the factory gets fairly close to decently done. The 38 spl, on the other hand, is sub par 158 gr RNL that only gets about 625 fps out of a 4" barrel. But I can hit what I'm aiming at up to 10 meters so will live with what I've got for the time being.

Still waiting to hear from the national shooting federation on what it will take to legally transfer the Remington. If it's doable I'll be doing some talking to the current proprietor ASAP. The federation, however, doesn't appear to be as eager to give info as I am to receive it. One advantage of the 12 bore is that the license is good for 10 years instead of requiring a tri annual renewal like the sixgun does. Oh, and if I can get the funds together they'll even sell me a case of ammo at a time.

Cordova 9mm

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Friday, October 17, 2014, 16:49 (3631 days ago) @ Paul

Sounds like the 12 is a much better deal...

Gun control by pricing

by cubrock, Friday, October 17, 2014, 20:38 (3631 days ago) @ Paul

That was exactly the intent of the NFA - to license and tax away guns the feds thought were evil - including handguns. Originally, the NFA targeted any gun with a barrel length under 16". A $200 tax on a gun back then was equivalent to $3550 in today's dollars based on CPI calculations. A more accurate picture of what $200 was back then was my grandad took home $17 a week as a journeyman electrician, on which he was to raise a family. The average American made about $26 a week in 1934. So, a $200 tax represented over 10 weeks' pay for my granddad and about 8 weeks' pay for the average American. In today's dollars, that would be nearly $7,000 for the average American.

And that tax was added to the cost of the gun.

It would seem our southern neighbors learned from us in regard to using pricing/taxation as a means of gun control. I'm sure the streets of Colombia are far safer than the streets of the rural US because of it, right? :)

Neat looking pistol, by the way. I wonder if they will be for sale here in the US?

Gun control by pricing

by Paul ⌂, Friday, October 17, 2014, 21:19 (3631 days ago) @ cubrock

For comparison, the price of the pistol sans ammunition or cleaning kit is roughly 8.3 MONTHLY salaries (minimum wage), and that's only the first hurdle. If one comes up with the money, then one ALSO has to prove "need". What does a poor factory worker in a rough neighborhood NEED a firearm for, anyway? Yours truly has been fortunate in that his nationality works for him since his native land foots a good part of the national defense budget AND it is recognized that his being from that land is a big risk factor to his continued well being in this area. It STILL doesn't get him off the hook from having to kowtow to every stupid suspension of carry rights due to some local official's whim or a visit from the Commander in Chief. But at least (so far) renewals have been routine. One reason the yearly membership fee for the hunting shooting federation is paid is that it helps "prove need", and should come in handy for obtaining a scattergun if ever one comes available that is transferable and the owner is able and willing to make the journey to the nation's capitol to do the paperwork. There is speculation that they WILL be available internationally, albeit at a far more reasonable cost than they are offered to the citizens of the nation that produces them. Oh, and down here? They are ALL "national property", subject to the whim of those in power as to if they will continue to be allowed to be in the possession of those who DO come up with the megabucks to obtain them. No wonder there's a thriving black market in things that go BANG. Trying to fulfill the myriad rules, regulations and Army officer whims is a royal pain in the rear, most folks still prefer to run the risk of 9-12 years in the pen if caught carrying an unregistered firearm instead of anteing up the required pile of cash to attempt to obtain one through official channels.


by cubrock, Friday, October 17, 2014, 21:27 (3631 days ago) @ Paul

I remembered the part about them remaining national property, but that cost comparison is unreal.


by Paul ⌂, Friday, October 17, 2014, 21:36 (3631 days ago) @ cubrock
edited by Paul, Friday, October 17, 2014, 21:50

How many folks flipping burgers at MickeyD's in the good ol' U.S. of A. would be willing to save up 8 months wages in order to pick up a rifle or pistol? Shucks, how many folks earning four times the money would be willing to pay 8 months' minimum wage for a rifle or pistol?

It is an outright LEGAL gun ban by pricing them out of the reach of the common man. Yesterday I had a conversation with some well to do folk here. They were grousing about all the poor folk putting around on 100-125 cc motorcycles. They simply could not recognize that it's a direct result of the mass transit policy of charging nearly a dollar a ride. If you've got to catch four buses a day you'll end up paying more than it would cost to buy a chinese motorcycle over 3 years or so. I've done the math with different folks over the years. One can buy a motorcycle on payments, buy fuel, oil, tires, SOAT (hospital insurance that all motor vehicles down here have to pay) and kick money into the kitty for repairs as well - and come out much better since after three years you've still got the bike while if you ride the bus you're still paying the same ridiculous price (actually even MORE as it goes up yearly) per ride. AND you're also able to go more places and do more things since they run so far on a gallon of (highly over priced) gasoline.

BUT, it's "for the good of the people" and the socialists know best. The ruling class keep the lower classes in their place by controlling what they can buy, where they can live and most other aspects of their lives via price controls. Did I mention how much I detest socialism and everything that goes with it?

A sad inheritance of the feudal Spanish system

by cubrock, Friday, October 17, 2014, 21:48 (3631 days ago) @ Paul

of governance. I once read an economist stating that if Mexico was truly capitalistic that it would be the richest nation on earth. How short-sighted for the ruling class of a country to keep the "common man" down to maintain their power and wealth. They would be far richer if they allowed everyone access to developing the economy. But, then they wouldn't feel as powerful and power is what it is all about. The curse of the Fall - "You will be just like God!" said the serpent. And we have tried to be God ever since.

Reading on-the-ground reports from you and Jim Taylor of what life is like in other countries is very eye-opening for this American.

The GunBlast Test Video

by Drago, Saturday, October 18, 2014, 00:33 (3630 days ago) @ Paul

will be out when?

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