
by Dave B @, Alamogordo New Mexico, Sunday, October 12, 2014, 12:04 (3636 days ago)

I never really found myself to be an addictive type of person, but I guess I was wrong. I have a computer addiction, in particular, I am addicted to Facebook, and as a consequence, I feel I am angry all the time, and am getting to the point where I don't like very many people. I get so angry at liberals, I want to shake some sense into them. I tell myself I can't walk away because of family, friends, the connection to my Air Force brethren, yet it contributes to my over weight issues, my anger issues, in fact, how lazy I have become. It is a computer thing, back in the 90s it started with, I would spend at least an hour every day reading what everyone had to say, then I started discovering other forums, it fed other addictions, I stopped doing and enjoying things, and started reading about them, it became easier to read about stuff, than it was to do stuff. I had to have a new gun, new truck, new 4 wheeler, new Jeep, new camo, because they were all going to make me a better hunter, yet I still suck, I suck because I don't spend the time glassing, learning patterns, learning how to stalk. These are all my problems, like alcohol or cigarettes, the choice is mine. It isn't that I want to be ignorant of what is going on in the world, or that I don't want to interact with my family, I just know that before the internet, I had a 30'06 rifle, a muzzleloader, 2 shotguns, and a Ruger Blackhawk in 45 Colt, and I was happy. I'm sorry for the long vent session, and for releasing the demons in my head upon you unsuspecting souls.


Your 'rant'...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Sunday, October 12, 2014, 13:56 (3636 days ago) @ Dave B

hits a lot of familiar chords. We are done with FB here as of yesterday. Anybody who matters can get ahold of me or knows where to ask. I have downsized my pile of guns & reloading by about 50%, kept the 'using' guns. I am down to one email address & four boards, including this one, and none of them are getting 30 minutes if my time anymore. I doubt you will ever see a tombstone reading "I should have wasted more of my life in the web."


by ERSisk, Sunday, October 12, 2014, 15:41 (3636 days ago) @ Dave B

1. Step away from the keyboard. 2. Go to gun safe and pick one and only one handgun. 3. Bring 100 rounds of ammo for said gun. 4. Get out into the sunshine and roll a few cans. 5. Check mirror for grin.

Intervention phase two

by ERSisk, Sunday, October 12, 2014, 15:52 (3636 days ago) @ Dave B

1. Now said gun needs cleaning. 2. Hoppe's #9 is highly recommended for the cathartic aroma. 3. Ammo needs reloading. 4. What about the six other gun related projects in various stages of completion that need attention.

Happy to report

by Dave B @, Alamogordo New Mexico, Sunday, October 12, 2014, 16:39 (3636 days ago) @ Dave B

I got out of the house, didn't bring one, I did bring 4 guns, and not quite a hundred rounds of ammo. Thanks for the kind words folks, they are appreciated.

Four guns today, the 375 Ruger, which continues to impress me, my Ruger #1 in 45/70, a Rem 760 in 30'06 with cast bullets,and my Freedom Arms 454. What started out as checking the 45/70 loads at 60 yards, quickly turned into try to bust up a big rock (face is 9" top to bottom) from 279 yards away. Let me tell you, I don't know how them buffalo hunters did it, I had a wind blowing at 270* and 20 kts with 30 kt gusts, not knowing all of the ballistics of my cast bullets, I guessed and used it for elevation, was able to smack the rock every time after abot 4 shots to adjust, problem was, it was the rock 4 feet down wind. With the 375 I was able to dial in correction for windage as well as elevation, the blemished 270gr and 300gr bullets impacted withing 2 inches of each other, and I was able to hit within a 6 inch spot on the rock every time, despite the gusty condition. The '06 needs some work, I can't adjust the impact of the 202gr cast any higher with the aperture sight, they were 6 inches low at 60 yards with 14.5grs of Unique, but grouped very well. In the 45/70, I can report that Ramshot X-Terminator works very well, originally bought it to load the .223, but since the AR is long gone, thought I would try them with the 45/70, has a burn rate right next to H335, I did get a lot of leading in the #1, will have to try the same load in the Marlin, as it has never leaded with any bullet or any load, will try some gas checked 420s in the #1. With the 454, I made 3 hits on the rock at 279 yards, it too drifted about 4 feet down wind, that was out of 8 shots, pulverized some rocks at 50 with the 325gr WFNGC bullets. Despite the windy, dusty conditions, it still beat sitting in the house.



by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Sunday, October 12, 2014, 18:25 (3636 days ago) @ Dave B

Glad you got out of the house and "did" some things. Being retired now, I have more time and do spend some on the forums but I've got to "do" things. Shooting comes first followed by reloading, then other life things. At 73 I can't do some of the stuff I once did but staying active is important.

And the tough part for you guys...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Sunday, October 12, 2014, 21:13 (3636 days ago) @ Sarge

is that you're probably gonna see more of my babbling over here.

i quit Facebook 6 months before the 2012 electron; was

by cable, Monday, October 13, 2014, 10:08 (3635 days ago) @ Dave B

sick of friends yelling at each other. told them my opinion : washington DC is a charade, like the world wrestling federation; neither party represents us, but they play to us for $ and votes, then go golfing together, and pretend to be angry again the next day.

i haven't missed Facebook at all....was only on it for a couple of years .

now i visit this board and a few more and thats it.

and when tempers start up on a thread....i just skip it.

life is a lot better without the BS of things like Facebook and television [ dropped all TV in late 60s ......that was one of the 3 or 4 best decisions i ever made ].

Your WWF analogy to US politics...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Monday, October 13, 2014, 10:21 (3635 days ago) @ cable

is perfect. The only TV in the house (for the past 3 years) is Peggi's mom's, downstairs and she watches 1960-70 classics- which I don't mind when I'm down there. Well that and Lawrence Welk re-runs, which drive me nuts ;)

Yikes ! Lawrence Welk....that was my moms favorite !

by cable, Monday, October 13, 2014, 10:37 (3635 days ago) @ Sarge


Well said!

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Monday, October 13, 2014, 11:55 (3635 days ago) @ ERSisk


Of the Troops & For the Troops

Lawrence Welk....

by Drago, Monday, October 13, 2014, 16:33 (3635 days ago) @ cable

As the kid in the house back in the day, what I wanted to watch on the one B&W TV was of little concern to my parents. I had to watch Lawrence Welk Followed by The Hollywood Palace. If I was still awake, Gunsmoke was on after that.

Ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful

by Miles ⌂, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Monday, October 13, 2014, 20:19 (3635 days ago) @ cable
edited by Miles, Monday, October 13, 2014, 20:22

Dank yu verrry much a Jim anna Juday.

Anna now, da Champagnaa Music ban is a gonna play...........

Anna wun anna Duu. Dake id awaya boyz!

34 years ago the family took a trip to sunny south California to visit relatives.

One place we absolutely had to visit was the original Welk resort as Mom and Grandmama were fans. We had lunch at the main restaurant there.

The music was, or course, continuous Welk shows. :shocked:

I accepted the torture as the food was actually quite excellent.

Ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Monday, October 13, 2014, 20:34 (3635 days ago) @ Miles


the honky tonk piano playing lady was great ! the accordion

by cable, Monday, October 13, 2014, 20:50 (3635 days ago) @ Miles

music .....well......if it was played night and day in prisons and jails we could probably make many criminals go straight !

Never been on it, and I don't plan to

by Catoosa, Monday, October 13, 2014, 20:59 (3635 days ago) @ cable

I don't tweet, I don't twitter, I don't chirp - I occasionally grunt, and when I growl, better leave me alone......

"Them rebels was skin and bones, and nearly barefooted. I never seen a scarecrow with sech sorry clothes on. But Oh Lord how they could shoot"

I grew up in a happy house...

by pokynojoe, Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 06:31 (3634 days ago) @ cable

One of the main reasons for this, I believe, is my Pop's affinity for the Polka. I learned to dance the Polka at an early age. My sister played the accordion, and many of my uncles, cousins played it too. When I was a child, if you didn't have a polka band at your wedding reception, no one would come! To this day, when I hear it, it brings a smile to my face.

If everyone danced the Polka, this world would be a far better place.

I grew up in a happy house...

by Mark, Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 06:55 (3634 days ago) @ pokynojoe

I grew up with Polkas. Every weekend morning, my parents listened to "The Polish Program" that was on the radio at my house. Same as you, a wedding had to have a polka band. My memories of polkas are a little different than yours. However, the point is not lost. Polkas, like taregt shooting or other productive hobbies do as they should and bring out happy thoughts and happiness. FB and and many modern games bring out the bad in folks and for no good reason.

i do admit that music was happy , and i do go to the

by cable, Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 09:20 (3634 days ago) @ pokynojoe

octoberfests here in Ak and enjoy it VERY much but as a pre-teen hearing it on saturday nights on the television ..... well, i just lacked the maturity to appreciate it :-D

I love a good Polka!

by Dave B @, Alamogordo New Mexico, Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 10:01 (3634 days ago) @ cable


I grew up in a happy house...

by Paul ⌂, Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 10:52 (3634 days ago) @ pokynojoe

Polkas, banjos and bagpipes - they all get picked on and derided by some folk. I couldn't live on a steady diet of ANY of them, but enjoy a bit of each on occasion and more than a bit at times when appropriate (such as when the wife's not in the house). :-D

Ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful

by Art @, Littleton, Colorado, Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 19:42 (3634 days ago) @ Miles

Wish you would not have brought that up. I hated that show and my parents loved it.

Our son at 4 years old LOVED Lawrence Welk

by stonewalrus, Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 19:45 (3634 days ago) @ Miles

He has quite wide tastes in music. Now it is old time rock and roll at 7.

Me too!

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Wednesday, October 15, 2014, 08:12 (3633 days ago) @ Sarge


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