Evan Marshall, on second guns...
"People often don't understand the critical role a second gun should play. I carried one on duty from day one but it took me a few years to realize the value of this important weapon OFF DUTY. Off duty we're rarely in uniform, without a partner, no radio, and with no easy access to a long gun.
I only had to reload once on the street during hostilities to realize I never wanted to do that again. Old friend, Jimmy Cirillo coined the term , "New York Reload" to describe the role of the second gun. The grabbing of another loaded handgun is dramatically faster than changing magazines or fumbling with a speed loader.
The second gun should be accessible to the non dominant hand and should be a caliber you're comfortable fighting with. I retired 25 years ago this month and carry the following daily; a SIG P250 in .357 SIG with a Taurus .357 snub in a pocket holster. BOTH ARE LOADED WITH Cor Bon DPX.
i never fired a second gun on the street, but on three occasions folks are trying to get my Smith .41 Magnum from my left handed duty holster when they realized a .38 snub had suddenly been shoved in their mouth. It had been carried in my right rear uniform pants pocket.
The second gun never leave home without it!"
Of the Troops & For the Troops