Short grip J-frames....

by Otony, Thursday, June 26, 2014, 17:42 (3745 days ago)

.....I have read about short grip J-frames for many years, and always assumed (uh-oh) that these were on the first of the J-frames, the ones with the round I-frame style trigger guard, and then on only a very few of the early J-frames that had the more oval guard (what is now the standard).

I was also under the impression that my 32-1 Terrier marked the transition to the oval style guard of the later J-frames. So imagine my surprise when today I was examining (ok, ok, fondling) my Terrier and realized it has the "short" grip. I can be slow at times, but it only now struck me how, in my hand at least, this grip feels very comfortable, very comfortable indeed. However, am I wrong in thinking it should have the longer grip of the -1 series?

I am glad it does not, it makes it all that much cooler, but man, the variations that exist in early Js is just mind boggling.

BTW, I have it stoked with Buffalo Bore .38S&W and feel not one whit under gunned!


Short grip J-frames....

by Catoosa, Thursday, June 26, 2014, 22:09 (3745 days ago) @ Otony

Otony, here's another breaking curve - my 1956 Terrier (pre-model-number) is built on the "improved I-frame", and it has not only the larger trigger guard but the same length butt as my no-dash M36.

Don't ever say "they never made one like that" about Smith & Wessons. They probably did.

Short grip J-frames....

by Otony, Thursday, June 26, 2014, 23:27 (3745 days ago) @ Catoosa other Terrier is from either 1948 or 1949, can't recall which. It is a true I-frame, with short butt and round guard. I love it dearly, but thought it best to have a newer model to tote around. I'm thrilled that both share the same grip, as it makes the "family" connection that much closer.

Since getting "into" I-frames and early J-frames I have come to the conclusion you've expressed above, they built 'em any which way the felt like. I honestly think they simply grabbed whatever frame was on the top of the pile and built it to suit, long frame, short frame, long butt, short butt, whatever. They had a house full of parts to complete the gun, no matter how they started.

It takes a hard look, but there are a LOT of early feature guns on Gunbroker. I'm well hooked I'm afraid.


One last thing. With Buffalo Bore ammo I am in high performance territory. But the short little case means perfect extraction each and every time. Truly a great gun, and I now know what Federal was attempting with the 9mm Rimmed!

Short grip J-frames....

by Catoosa, Friday, June 27, 2014, 22:57 (3744 days ago) @ Otony

One of the coolest guns I own is a first-year (1917) production .38 Regulation Police. According to the family history from my Dad, it once belonged to a bootlegger during prohibition, who carried it in the door pocket in his car while making deliveries. He got into a shooting scrape with a rival bootlegger, won the shooting part but lost the trial and went to jail. Dad didn't know if the guy used this gun in the fight.

After the bootlegger went to the pokey, my grandfather bought the pistol and kept store with it until he retired in the late 1940s. On at least two occasions he "discouraged" potential robbers by ostentatiously picking the S&W up from its hiding place under the counter and placing it in his pants pocket. The shifty looking "customers" left quickly.

Unfortunately the old S&W is showing the effects of a long life and the action is badly worn. Timing is so bad it no longer fires reliably in double action, so I have put it in well-deserved retirement. I'd love to have another one in good enough shape to shoot, but the remaining good RPs are muy espensible now.

My Terrier

by Murphy @, Friday, June 27, 2014, 06:36 (3744 days ago) @ Otony

Mine is a transitional. Notice the flat mainspring strain screw, one sweet action on that lil feller.


Unfortunately, I haven't been able to locate a nice set of orginal grips for it. Then again, I like it just as it is.


If you can live with repros......

by Otony, Friday, June 27, 2014, 07:27 (3744 days ago) @ Murphy

Vintage Grips makes a set that exactly duplicates the earlier hard rubber grips. I ordered some to save my originals from wear, and was very pleased with the quality.


I wouldn't change a thing

by Warhawk, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Friday, June 27, 2014, 11:32 (3744 days ago) @ Murphy


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