Martial Arts for kiddos question

by stonewalrus, Thursday, May 15, 2014, 18:18 (3787 days ago)

We are thinking of starting our almost 7 year old son in some form of martial arts. He is a gentle soul a little small for his age and tends to get "run over." We'd like to build his confidence where he would more stand his ground. We know nothing of martial arts. Tar Kwon Do seems popular around here. Any suggestions?

Martial Arts for kiddos question

by Fowler, Thursday, May 15, 2014, 19:53 (3787 days ago) @ stonewalrus

Both of my sons are in tae Kwon Do, my oldest has been in it for 4 years and is one belt away from blackbelt. I think it builds self confidence and commitment to goals. It has been good for both of my sons, the youngest is in kindergarten and has just achieved yellow belt and he is pretty proud of it.

I wouldn't say that it will make him into leathal weapon anytime soon, fighting skills are really a way down the road but the point really not that but to get the self confidence to stand up for themselves. That's 90% of the battle anyways.

I am looking at it for the self confidence and discipline

by stonewalrus, Thursday, May 15, 2014, 20:33 (3787 days ago) @ Fowler

I'm not looking for Chuck Norris. Should have don't it with his older brother but it's a little late now. But then he does pack a 45...

Martial Arts for kiddos question

by RidinLou, Middle TN, Thursday, May 15, 2014, 21:37 (3787 days ago) @ stonewalrus

You might want to ask Mike H. tomorrow.

He is a Black Belt instructor.

So is Chris M.

Good idea!

by stonewalrus, Thursday, May 15, 2014, 21:48 (3787 days ago) @ RidinLou


I am looking at it for the self confidence and discipline

by StoneWolf, Friday, May 16, 2014, 10:59 (3787 days ago) @ stonewalrus

We did but you didn't like the local instructor, but that was Karate not Tae Kwon Do. And I carry the .40 more often than the 45.

I know but I like the 45 story better...

by stonewalrus, Friday, May 16, 2014, 11:09 (3787 days ago) @ StoneWolf


Tae Kwon Do............

by Byron, Friday, May 16, 2014, 14:56 (3786 days ago) @ stonewalrus
edited by Byron, Friday, May 16, 2014, 15:10

Strip mall tae kwon do is great exercise and will help develop coordination and balance in youngsters. It is a good thing for kids and most love it. It is not however an effective form of unarmed combative in my limited experience unless one puts in a great deal of time and effort to master it.

Other combative forms deliver the goods with less training...but much less style.

Almost without exception the YMCA trained boxer who spars a couple of times a month will knock a black belt "karate fighter" stiff in a couple seconds.

The issue with most tae kwon do is that it is a stylized system of forms that unwind quickly when it gets to hands on. It focuses on kicks a great deal at the expense of striking and unless one trains a great deal a punch is faster than a kick and while it is true that a kick is much more powerful than a strike a hard cross to the chin is generally lights out pretty quickly. Some schools do not even allow force on force sparring and many advance through the belts without ever being hit very hard. This puts them at a huge disadvantage when faced with one who wants to rumble.

The twins train at a krav maga and boxing school which are striking combatives as well as great exercise. Unlike tae kwon do they are often bruised from being hit but they keep coming back for more.

Your little one is probably not up to boxing in which the tae kwon do would be good for him. Find a couple of schools to visit and see what's what. Still, if he is small and shy one of the more physical techniques might be a good thing.


I think predators (bullies included) sense fear

by stonewalrus, Friday, May 16, 2014, 15:26 (3786 days ago) @ Byron

And on the other hand also sense self-confidence and a don't tread on me - find another victim attitude. I was the same way through school so I am very sympathetic with the little guy.

Faith based training....

by Byron, Friday, May 16, 2014, 15:40 (3786 days ago) @ stonewalrus
edited by Byron, Friday, May 16, 2014, 15:46

I don't know where you live but many larger cities have faith based boxing schools. Many in the inner cities but not always.

These are places where good hard Christian men strive to keep kids straight and away from the dangers that they are surrounded by. They may prophesize but maybe not.

If I had to choose between baggy pajamas and boxing gloves I would take the gloves.

Many times this training is very inexpensive.

These schools will probably be mostly black men and black children but that does not matter.


Faith based training....

by uncowboy, Friday, May 16, 2014, 18:17 (3786 days ago) @ Byron

Having traveled down this road myself many moons ago My .02 is that your kids will excel or fail strictly on the talent of the instructors. I have seen some that were great teachers and some that were on a power trip taking there belts as a participation award . I am sure it is the same in every sport.
That being said I could smack around my best friend better than anyone else. He excelled in Ti Kwon Do and took to it like duck to water. I would spar with him and after he had 2 years of instruction if I could just touch him in a sparing session I considered it a victory. He would bat me around in rapid succession despite my skill. It changed my approach to confrontations but he defiantly made it work for him. The instructors are the key. Sit in on a few classes and make sure you want these men teaching your kids. J.Michael

The Boys Club............

by pokynojoe, Tuesday, May 20, 2014, 09:10 (3783 days ago) @ Byron

When I was a youngster, growing up where I did, I had boxing lessons at the Boys Club. It costs a dollar a year to join. I guess we were what's now called "underpriveliged." I participated in the Club's golden gloves program.

The real star though, was the wrestling program. Many of my peers went on to recieve college scholarships in wrestling, I guess it was a way out for many. A couple of them went on to become NCAA champions, and we had two that won gold medals in the olympics.

The Boys Clubs are a great organization, I highly recommend one. It kept me out of trouble...for awhile...anyway.

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