Gas ring stretcher...
Do any of you have any experience with this gas ring stretcher on Ruger Single Actions. For whatever reason, every 4 5/8" SBH I've had comes complete with excessive cylinder end shake. This one I have currently has the least (at least it doesn't rattle). Not sure why it seems this particular model and barrel length are disproportionally affected but at least in my experience they are. My current model seems to have between .003-.004", just enough to be annoying. I wonder if it's enough to eventually cause premature wear or if I should forget about it and carry on just putting a dab of high pressure grease on the back of the cylinder ratchet and front of the gas ring. If the gas ring stretcher works well I'd be willing to give that a shot. I know Power Custom makes shims but I'd prefer to have a more permanent fix and not have to fiddle with shims. If it was like a a Colt and you could just slide the gas ring out, drop a proper shim in and put it back together, that would be pretty nice.